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  • Traditional Knowledge, Innovations and Practices - Article 8(j) (214)


Latin American and Caribbean Indigenous and Local Community Capacity Building Workshop on the Convention on Biological Diversity including issues relevant to Article 8(j) Traditional Knowledge & Access and Benefit-sharing Fifth Workshop: Amazonia, Brasilia, Brazil, 2-4 June 2010

SCBD/SEL/OJ/JS/DM/ 71514 (2010-073)

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CBD National Focal Points, Indigenous and Local Community of Brazil and Venezuela

Publication Date

I am pleased to inform Parties, international agencies, indigenous and local community representatives and other stakeholders that, thanks to the generous financial support from the Government of Spain, a regional capacity building workshop for indigenous and local community representatives on effective participation in the CBD processes, with a specific focus on Article 8(j) and ABS , will be held in Brasilia, from 2-4 June 2010.

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