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SBSTTA Recommendation

. Agenda item 3.12: Coastal and marine biological diversity

Agenda Item 3.12: Coastal and marine biological diversity

The Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) wishes to advise the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity that little substantial action on the area of marine and coastal biodiversity occurred this year other than building the roster of experts. The SBSTTA believes that decision II/10 on marine and coastal biodiversity taken by the second meeting of the Conference of the Parties should be implemented as quickly and efficiently as possible. At the third meeting of the SBSTTA, the Secretariat, on the basis of the outcome from the Meeting of Experts mentioned in decision II/10, should provide an interim report on recommendations for proceeding with positive action on the conservation and sustainable use of coastal and marine biodiversity. Recommendations should be made on the basis of priorities that consider (i) what resources are or will be available; (ii) which of the five issues (integrated marine and coastal area management, marine and coastal protected areas, sustainable use of coastal and marine living resources, mariculture, and alien species) the Convention on Biological Diversity can have the greatest effect; (iii) which of the five issues other non-Convention on Biological Diversity entities are adequately addressing the topic or will be; and (iv) where other planned or ongoing activities outside the Convention process can contribute to Convention proposed actions.

The Secretariat is urged to take the following actions towards implementing decision II/10:

1. Given the offer from Indonesia to host the first Meeting of Experts on Marine and Coastal Biological Diversity drawn from the available roster of experts, convene that meeting very early in 1997, and refer any available information, including document UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/2/14, which the SBSTTA had before it, and any comments from Parties, to that meeting for information purposes.

2. Request that the Meeting of Experts assist the Executive Secretary in identifying priorities for implementing decision II/10, identifying options for a pragmatic but comprehensive approach in addressing marine and coastal biological diversity, and identifying products, timetables, and ways and means in line with paragraphs 1(b), 1(c) and 7 of decision II/10. The Meeting of Experts in formulating its recommendations shall have regard to the views of the roster of experts more widely.

3. Strengthen and develop special partnership arrangements with international organizations and institutions including regional bodies with particular competence in specific areas of marine and coastal biological diversity.

The SBSTTA recommends that the Conference of the Parties ensure resources are available to (a) implement the work of the Secretariat under the Jakarta Mandate and (b) fill the posts within the Secretariat associated with this mandate as soon as possible. The SBSTTA should encourage Parties to nominate candidates for the roster of experts.