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Side Event

Access or Biopiracy?

The Edmonds Institute, Third World Network, Tebtebba Foundation, Accion Ecologica

Date and Time
18 February 2004 13:15 - 14:45

Seventh Ordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 7)

<p>In the context of access and benefit sharing discussions, outstanding speakers from China, Philippines, Ecuador, Malaysia, and the US make vivid the many faces and forms of biopiracy. Presentations focus on how bioprospecting, genetic research, and even apparently well-meaning NGO initiatives can become biopiracy.</p> <p>Expect:</p> <li>new revelations about Harvard's actions in China from the investigative reporter who wrote it about it for China Features, <li>hidden details of the Yellowstone case from the organization that led the litigation against the US National Parks Service, <li>news of questionable collection activities in indigenous territories and centers of origin, <li>updates on current litigation over inappropriate patents, <li>discussion of the mechanisms that facilitate biopiracy, <li>light lunch, tea and coffee.