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  • Side Events (2627)



Aichi Targets


Side Event

Biodiversity for biofuel production and climate change adaptation

Food and Agriculture Organization

Date and Time
20 February 2008 13:15 - 14:45

Thirteenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA 13)

To inform and discuss about the role of biodiversity for biofuel production under the new challenges posed by increasing frequency and amplitude of climatic changes. A range of well tested examples of scientific information, policy, and advocacy tools will be presented on different aspects of forestry, cropping systems, and natural resources management. MAIN MESSAGE: - To overcome the threat of climate change to food security and environmental sustainability posed by the increasing shift of land use for biofuel production, the resilience of the agro-ecosystems and support to farmers, pastoralists, and foresters as ecosystem managers must be enhanced, through policy support, capacity building, and information tools. -We need to incorporate biodiversity measures into development and growth policies. Sound environmental policies as well as good agriculture, forestry and natural resources management practices need to be implemented to conciliate food and biofuel production.