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Side Event

Friends of the CBD: A multistakeholder participatory model

Canadian Environmental Network

Date and Time
26 October 2010 18:15 - 19:45

Tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 10)

Developed through an MOU partnership between The Canadian Environmental Network (RCEN) and the Secretariat of the CBD, The Canadian Friends of the CBD is a civil society multistakeholder association empowering civil society to take actions- while working collaboratively with federal government- towards the domestication and implementation of the CBD Strategic Plan. The event, in partnership with Environment Canada, will explain how The Friends of the CBD evolved, what progress we have made so far and the opportunities to share this model with other countries. This association is the first of its kind and has the potential to greatly support implementation of The New Strategic Plan. This event is an opportunity for civil society networks from many countries to learn about the model and be the ones to take the lead and establish such an association in their own countries. The RCEN is an independent, non-partisan organization that facilitates cooperation and networking among non-profit, non-governmental environmental organizations across Canada and internationally with many notable members such as the World Wildlife Fund of Canada, David Suzuki Foundation, EarthDay Canada and Environmental Defence Canada.