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  • Side Events (28)


  • BS COP MOP 1 (28)


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Side Event

Scientific Tools and Capacity Building for Risk Assessment of Transgenic Plants

Swiss Agencies for the Environment, Forests and Landscape (SAEFL ) & for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

Date and Time
24 February 2004 13:15 - 14:45

First meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (BS COP MOP 1)

<br>The project represents a unique initiative from scientists working in the public sector, who have often been underrepresented in the discussions of international environmental treaties, and in particular scientists from developing countries who have a key role in the development of the methods and tools. In order for these achievements to be heard and debated by the potential beneficiaries (the government representatives responsible for developing regulations) - and other stakeholders present at the MOP1 -, the project team welcomes the initiative of the Swiss Agency for the Environment to support this event. We hope to obtain feedback about the relevance of what has been achieved so far, which will feed directly into the project process in the run up to the last workshop, and therefore significantly improve the products. <br><br> <b>The program of the side event is as follows:</b> <br> Dr. Beat Nobs, Swiss Ambassador to the COP and MOP<br> <i> - Why the Swiss Government is supporting this project</i><br> Dr. Hamdallah Zedan, CBD Secretariat<br> <i> - Welcome and introduction</i><br> Dr. Angelika Hilbeck, ETHZ, Switzerland <i> - Introduction to the project</i><br> Dr. Christopher Ngichabe, ASARECA, East Africa <i> - Kenya Case Study</i><br> Dr. Eliana Fontes, EMBRAPA, Brazil <i> - Brazil Case Study</i><br> Dr. BB Bong, Vice-Minister, Vietnam <i>Vietnam Case Study</i><br> Dr. David Andow, UMN, USA <i> - Conclusions and Outlook</i><br> Discussion: There will be plenty of time for discussion, and a buffet lunch and drinks will be provided. In addition, the project members will be available at the MOP1 during Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday for consultations. Please contact the project assistant Evelyn Underwood, email: evelyn.underwood@env.ethz.ch / Legend Hotel, Kuala Lumpur (during COP and MOP) Fax: 603-40430700.