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Side Event

Protected Areas Program of Work

TNC, WWF, CI, BirdLife, FFI, Greenpeace, WRI, WCS

Date and Time
9 February 2004 13:15 - 14:45

Seventh Ordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 7)

<br>In anticipation of the adoption of a strong Programme of Work on Protected Areas, seven governments are stepping forward to take a leadership role, and have entered into formal agreements with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to start implementing key actions that are likely to be included in the Programme of Work. These agreements demonstrate that governments are willing to commit to a strong Programme of Work on protected areas, including the specific targets and timetables included in the draft documents, and that governments and NGOs are prepared to join together in new partnerships to turn words into action. <br><br> Government officials will describe their protected area systems, why their country is urging other delegates at COP-7 to adopt a strong Programme of Work and the importance of partnerships in implementing action on protected areas. <br><br> <b>Governments presenting</b>: Brazil, Republic of Congo, Ecuador, Indonesia, Jamaica, Madagascar and Palau.<b>NGOs:</b> Birdlife International, Conservation International, Fauna and Flora International, The Nature Conservancy, Wildlife Conservation Society, WWF and World Resources Institute. <br><br><b>For More Information:</b>The Nature Conservancy, (phone) 012-684 7194.<br>Birdlife International - <a href=http://www.birdlife.net/>www.birdlife.net/</a><br> Conservation International - <a href=http://www.conservation.org>www.conservation.org</a><br> Fauna & Flora International - <a href=http://www.fauna-flora.org/>www.fauna-flora.org/</a><br> Greenpeace - <a href=http://www.greenpeace.org/international_en>/www.greenpeace.org/international_en</a><br> The Nature Conservancy - <a href=http://nature.org>nature.org</a><br> Wildlife Conservation Society - <a href=http://wcs.org/>wcs.org/</a><br> WWF- <a href=http://www.wwf.org/>www.wwf.org/</a><br> World Resources Institute - <a href=http://www.wri.org>www.wri.org</a>