Liability and Redress, Article 14.2

National / Domestic Legislation and Case-studies

The Conference of the Parties, in paragraph 2 of decision VIII/29, invited "Parties and other Governments to submit to the Executive Secretary examples of national/domestic legislation and case-studies relating to liability and redress for damage to biological diversity, including approaches to valuation and restoration" and requested "the Executive Secretary to compile this information and disseminate it through the clearing-house mechanism". Further to this decision, two notifications (2006-032 and 2007-041) were sent to the Parties and other Governments.

Decision VIII/29 stems from the conclusions of the Group of Legal and Technical Experts on Liability and Redress in the Context of Paragraph 2 of Article 14 of the Convention on Biological Diversity available in Annex I to its report in which the experts suggest that, if the COP wishes to pursue further work in the context of Article 14, paragraph 2, a first step could be to seek further information in order to develop guidance relating to damage to biological diversity, approaches to valuation of damage and restoration of biological diversity.

In the past, through decision IV/10C, the COP invited Parties, Governments and relevant international organizations to provide information on, inter alia , national measures on liability and redress applicable to damage to biodiversity, and information on experiences in implementation. The same decision requested the Executive Secretary to prepare a synthesis report (UNEP/CBD/COP/5/16) based on these submissions. The call for related information was renewed at COP 5 through decision V/18, paragraph 6. An updated synthesis report (UNEP/CBD/COP/6/12/Add1) was provided by the Executive Secretary for COP-6.

The following table includes submissions received by the Secretariat related to the above mentioned notifications (2006-032 and 2007-041). Presented as they were received, the submissions are in Word and PDF formats. They are listed in alphabetical order by country name and are separated under 3 categories where appropriate:

i- National / domestic legislations; ii- Case-studies; iii- Approaches to restoration and valuation.

Dominican Republic