COP Decisions

COP Decisions

Guidance to SBSTTA

  • Decision III/18 paragraph 10
    Incentive measures
  • Decision IV/4 annex I, paragraph 8 (d)
    Status and trends of the biological diversity of inland water ecosystems and options for conservation and sustainable use
  • Decision V/3 paragraph 13
    Progress report on the implementation of the programme of work on marine and coastal biological diversity (implementation of * Decision IV/5)
  • Decision V/15 paragraph 3 (c)
    Incentive measures
  • Decision VI/15 paragraph 7
    Incentive measures
  • Decision VII/15 paragraph 13
    Biodiversity and Climate Change
  • Decision VII/18 paragraphs 3, 6, 9, 11, 12
    Incentive Measures (Article 11)
  • Decision VIII/9, paragraph 21
    Implications of the findings of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment