Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, including Aichi Biodiversity Targets

E-Forum on the Post 2010 Strategic Plan of the CBD: An Invitation to Contribute to the Updating and Revision of the Strategic Plan of the Convention

Question 7
In what ways can we increase the impact of the revised and updated Strategic Plan on resource mobilisation and capacity-development for implementation of the Convention?
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Others' Replies
In furthering implementation, it is also important to seek the partnership of various regional organisations. In our region, the GCC, Arab League and OIC play important roles with respect to policy setting and program developments in natural resources management in the member
countries and therefore there should be efforts to seriously involve these organisations in CBD implementation in the region. THe secretariat should also play an enabling role in this respect.
I would particulary want to note that no regional level CBD activity in the GCC region has ever been held with the involvement of the secretariat, in fact a regional training program on biosafety was to be cancelled as the secretariate could not provide for the travel of one of its experts. I want to underline that capacity building measures are critical for the implementation of CBD in the GCC region.

submitted by Kok Eng Amy Sim
The new SP, however similar or different from the one we have now, needs marketing. This should be a sub-strategy within the SP in itself - how are we going to go about divulging and communicating the SP for the benefit of resource mobilization and also of raising political awareness on biodiversity conservation. This could be included in the package mentioned in the previous question, of visits to countries at the highest political level to find commitment from govnerments.
submitted by Marie-Jeanne PERROT-MINNOT
To increase resources and capacity, biodiversity conservation must be made relevant and meaningful to the current issues and challenges facing the Parties. This means, to a large degree, focusing on the business case for biodiversity, the services it provides, links to biodiversity and human health and the interconnectedness of biodiversity with the economy. Helping Parties understand the importance of action on biodiversity to their economic prosperity and well-being of their citizens should support resource mobilisation and capacity building.
submitted by Jennifer Norris
A dedicated fund should be created at the Global Environment Facility aimed specifically at preventing species loss. This fund could operate to protect sites and develop partnerships with governments, NGOs, national biodiversity endowments, and the private sector to enhance site/species conservation projects that also protect carbon resources, watersheds, indigenous lands, ecotourism resources, and other ecosystem services. Thsi coudl also help to steer other funding vehicles that influence cross-sectoral investment on carbon and watershed protection to prioritize sites where multiple benefits can accrue to support biodiversity targets and ecosystem services; support inclusion of efforts to map and conserve these sites into NBSAPs where these have not been completed or are in progress; work to ensure that policies or best practice guidelines for development organizations and multilateral development organizations seek to safeguard key sites by explicit links to the CBD indicator.

submitted by Mike Parr
Besides making it relevant and meaningful to the current issues and challenges facing the Parties,which can help in mobilising resources at the macro level, it is vital to make the Strategic Plan relevant and meanigful to the local communities that live a daily interaction with biodiversity. Ultimately, biodiversity is to be conserved and sustainable managed at the local level (where biodiversity is physically located). If the Strategic Plan is felt relevant and important by local actors, they can contribute many resources (not necessarily financial) towards the implementation of the Convention.
submitted by Maurizio Ferrari
La première des priorités pour espérer un impact quelconque est le fait que le texte du plan stratégique soit accessible et connu de toutes personnes ayant à intervenir pour sa mise en œuvre (politiques, fonctionnaires, élus, militants, acteurs économiques). Ceci suppose donc
Sa disponibilité, particulièrement des les langues nationales.
Il doit être prévu des traductions et une impression en grande quantité (ou des aides aux pays pour sa traduction et son impression)
Il doit être prévu une stratégie de marketing pour inciter à sa lecture
La deuxième priorité est la formation à sa mise en œuvre
Des formations au niveau régional doivent être organisées pour les différents types de publics concernés
Enfin il doit être développé des « boites à outils » et des réseaux d’échanges de savoirs (y compris la mise en valeur de cas typiques)
Il pourrait être crée un prix annuel récompensant des actions particulièrement novatrices ou efficaces (y compris au niveau régional).

submitted by Jean-Patrick LE DUC
Funding must be made available for capacity building, including training national and sub-national governments to understand and use the indicators to set specific goals and monitor progress toward achievement of these goals. Additionally, roundtables can be conducted to help establish specific goals for individual indicators, scenario workshops can be used to help business and policy leaders better understand how human activities, through consumption of resources and emission of wastes, is driving biodiversity loss, and planning tools can be provided to help ensure that investments in infrastructure will help reduce human pressure on biodiversity rather than create resource traps that will require a high level of resource throughput in order to continue operating.
submitted by Oscar Mejia
Strategic alliances (South-South, private sector-South, North-South (time-bound and results-oriented twinning), price it, establish "off-set" mechanisms for broad public/industry to participate financially in maintaining biodiversity and its services, commit stakeholders/industry to provide certain percentage of projects to biodiversity (not ODA but BDA), tag-on other relevant processes in learning/developing indicators jointly (e.g. UNFCCC indictors for capacity building and adaptation), build capacity of key negotiators/Parties/regional groups
submitted by Anonymous