Article 8(j) - Traditional Knowledge, Innovations and Practices

General Information

The Convention on Biological Diversity is pleased that long established mechanisms for the full and effective participation of indigenous peoples and local communities in meetings held under the Convention, and in particular, in the ad hoc open-ended Working Group on Article 8(j) and Related Provisions, have been established within the framework of the Convention. The mechanisms that have been developed within the Convention range from financial support (particularly through the Voluntary Fund for IPLCs) to enable indigenous peoples and local communities to attend the meetings, to logistical support as well as participation in formal and informal groups (such as contact groups and Friends of the Chair groups). This is seen now as a good practice model for the rest of the United Nations system.

Continuous participation on the CBD works is also encouraged by a variety of means, whether is promoting our Guidelines, through involvement with indigenous peoples and local community organizations working on biodiversity issues, by sending input with regards to our work programme directly to the Secretariat, among others.

Furthermore, indigenous peoples and local communities can also subscribe their organization/s in order to be informed as soon as notifications are issued, by completing the subscription form , which is available in our web site.

As the Convention has begun an exciting phase of enhanced implementation, indigenous peoples and local communities, as one of its major groups, have a major role to play. The Secretariat looks forward to receiving your input into our work and building on our partnership as we work to ensure the future of our planet through the full and effective implementation of the Convention and its goals.

How can I participate in the Convention on Biological Diversity?

  • Promote application of the Akwé:Kon Guidelines at the local and national level;

  • Be involved in indigenous peoples and local community organizations (at local, national and international levels), which focus on biodiversity issues and through national indigenous peoples and local community advisory committees.

  • Be involved at international levels. indigenous peoples and local community representatives who attend meetings held under the Convention form a caucus which is referred to as the International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity (IIFB) . The Secretariat of the Convention provides practical support such as meetings rooms, computers and internet access during meetings. Indigenous peoples and local community representatives are warmly invited to participate in the IIFB, and newcomers receive capacity building and support in their work.

  • Communicate your views to the Secretariat, with regards to the current work programme - to be considered at the 12th meeting of WG8(j) (dates to be determined.)

  • Participate in the regional consultation and capacity building opportunities – refer to the calendar of meetings and notifications for opportunities.

  • Apply for funding to participate in CBD meetings of relevance to you through the recently established Voluntary Fund for indigenous and local communities. Information, including selection criteria and application forms can be found on the 8(j) home page.