Welcome to COP 9

COP 9 - Information for Participants

Full version (This revision is issued to to reflect the name and coordinates of the newly designated focal person for NGOs.)

5. Procedures for Media Accreditation

Media participation at CBD Conferences is subject to accreditation by the CBD secretariat. Accreditation is strictly reserved for members of the press - print media, photo, radio, TV, film and news agencies - who fully meet UN media accreditation requirements. Accreditation will be granted upon presentation of valid press credentials including a:

1. Completed online accreditation form. The accreditation form can be found on the Secretariat’s website at www.cbd.int/cop9/media.
2. Letter of assignment on official letterhead of a media organization signed by the Publisher/Assignment Editor, Editor-in-chief or Bureau Chief, specifying the name and functional title of the journalist. Unsigned letters or e-mails will not be accepted.
3. Photocopy of a valid press card/work pass
4. Photocopy of passport/national ID card

To avoid delays upon arrival at the conference, please submit the form on the reverse side together with a letter of assignment from your Editor/Bureau Chief and a photocopy of your valid professional press card to:

Ms. Marie Aminata Khan
Information Officer and Gender Focal Point
Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
413 St. Jacques St., Suite 800
Montreal, Quebec
H2Y 1N9 Canada
Telephone: + 1-514-287-8701
Fax: + 1-514-288-6588
Email: marie.khan@cbd.int with copy to secretariat@cbd.int

Note that no double accreditation is allowed (e.g. as press and delegate, or as press and NGO).

Press passes can be picked up at the registration counter upon presentation of two forms of photo ID (passport, official national press pass, driver’s license, work ID, etc.) or of a photo press pass from the United Nations in New York, Paris, Geneva, Vienna, or Nairobi. Please note that the deadline for accreditation is 24 April 2008 and that journalists accredited to cover the meetings should make their own travel and hotel bookings.