Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures

ID 100278
Main Information
Title OECD Statistics on Aid Targeting Global and Local Environment Objectives
Description The DAC is monitoring aid targeting the global and local environmental objectives through its Creditor Reporting System (CRS) using “policy markers”: donors are requested to indicate for each aid activity they report to the OECD whether or not it targets environmental objectives. Five statistical policy markers exist to monitor aid for environmental purposes within the OECD/DAC, these are: The “Environment” marker (introduced in 1992), as well as four 'Rio markers' covering Biodiversity (introduced in 1998), Climate Change Adaptation (introduced in 2010), Climate Change Mitigation (introduced in 1998), Desertification (introduced in 1998) 
The Rio markers are applicable to ODA and recently also to other official flows (non-concessional developmental flows, excluding export credits) starting from 2010.
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Authors OECD