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  • Marine and Coastal Biodiversity (624)

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624 Results
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News Headlines

Australie : des milliers de requins meurent afin de protéger les surfeurs

Les vidéos ont été tournées en mars par des membres d’organisations de protection de l’environnement. Les scènes qu’on y voit se déroulent au nord-est de l’Australie, au large des plages de l’Etat du Queensland. Deux requins sont pris au piège, un gros hameçon coincé dans la bouche, et agonisent ...

News Headlines

Baby whale wears a camera, reveals its travel and nursing behavior: video

Baby whales, like all young mammals, rely on their mother’s milk for their early development.

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Ban on discarding edible fish caught at sea has failed – Lords report

The ban on the wasteful discards of healthy and edible fish at sea has failed, according to a Lords report.

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Barbados, New Zealand link for ‘clean oceans’

Barbados has made two major foreign policy moves on clean oceans, joining with New Zealand in the fight against acidified oceans and climate change. Bridgetown’s request to join the New Zealand-led Ocean Acidification Working Group has been accepted, as Minister for Climate Change James Shaw wel ...

News Headlines

Beavers on the coast are helping salmon bounce back. Here’s how.

The arrival of beaver dams in the Pacific Northwest’s Elwha River delta may have surprising benefits.

News Headlines

Before and after: These incredible photos show Greece's coast is disappearing

The blazing sun, the spectacular beaches, the Mediterranean lifestyle and the gorgeous food. For these reasons and many more, millions of people travel to Greece every year.

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Beluga whistles and clicks could be silenced by an increasingly noisy Arctic Ocean

Under the sea ice, the Arctic Ocean is one of the quietest places on Earth. But it can be very noisy when the ice is forming and breaking up or during storms and when glaciers are calving.

News Headlines

Bending with Wind, Coral Spawning linked to Ocean Environment

During the early summer, corals simultaneously release tiny balls composed of sperms and eggs, known as bundles, that float to the ocean surface. Here the bundles open, allowing the sperm to fertilize the eggs where they eventually settle on the seafloor and become new coral on the reef.

News Headlines

Beneath The Waves: A Game-Changer To Shark Science In The Caribbean

While most people in the northern hemisphere are blanketed under snow and actual blankets, Beneath the Waves is outside and on the waters of the Caribbean, helping make their vision come true: oceans that have thriving shark populations.

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Bermuda's baitfish populations

Small fishes play an important role in the marine food chain, providing food for larger fishes and water birds, but they are also caught for use as bait in both commercial and recreational fisheries.

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Bermuda’s coral reefs ‘doing well’ but future is uncertain

Bermuda’s coral reefs could help to protect the island from strengthening storms – if we are able to keep them healthy. Robbie Smith, curator of the Natural History Museum at BAMZ, said at an online round table on the Bermuda Ocean Prosperity Programme that safeguarding the marine environment co ...

News Headlines

Best way to protect ocean fisheries? Let nations profit from them

Overfishing is a major problem for the world's oceans, but a strategy adopted nearly 50 years ago has helped protect fisheries: giving nations exclusive rights to waters 200 miles offshore and letting them police their own fish stocks.

News Headlines

Big differences in how coral reef fish larvae are dispersed

How the larvae of colorful clownfish that live among coral reefs in the Philippines are dispersed varies widely, depending on the year and seasons—a Rutgers-led finding that could help scientists improve conservation of species.

News Headlines

Billions lost as illicit fisheries trade hurting nations who can afford it least

More than eight million to 14 million tonnes of unreported fish catches are traded illicitly every year, costing the legitimate market between $9 billion and $17 billion in trade each year, according to new UBC research.

News Headlines

Billions to be gained in coral reef investment, new analysis shows

New findings released offer a compelling business case for investing in the protection of the world’s coral reefs, with economic benefits stretching into the tens of billions in just over a decade.

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Biodiversity: Monaco comes to the rescue of Riviera’s seahorses

The Prince Albert II Foundation, the Oceanographic Institute, and biodiversity specialist Biotope have joined efforts to study the seahorse population off the Monaco coastline.

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Biodiversity’s healthy byproduct — nutrient-rich seafood

About a third of people around the world rely on protein from the world’s oceans, rivers, and lakes. But the full nutritional value of this seafood depends upon the species diversity in the ecosystem where it was extracted, a new study by researchers at Yale and the University of British Columbi ...

News Headlines

Biological oceanographer breaks down the linkages between human impacts on the ocean and their effects on human systems

Look out at the ocean, a symbol of constant endurance and abundance. It's tempting to think that in the face of a rapidly changing climate and all the impacts it brings—disaster, food insecurity, habitat and biodiversity loss to name a few—the ocean will always be there.

News Headlines

Bleached coral reefs can still support nutritious seafood, study finds

Bleached coral reefs can continue to support nutritious seafood, according to a new study conducted by the University of Lancaster. The leading cause of coral bleaching is climate change. A warming planet means a warming ocean, and a change in water temperature can cause coral to drive out algae.

News Headlines

Bleached sea sponges found in New Zealand waters for first time

Sea sponges off New Zealand’s southern coastline have been found bleached bone-white for the first time, following extreme ocean temperatures.

News Headlines

Bleaching of marine sponges observed in warming Tasmanian waters for the first time

Bleaching in marine sponges in temperate waters off Tasmania’s east coast has been observed for the first time, with scientists warning the discovery could be an indicator of climate change in deeper reef systems.

News Headlines

Blue Planet: The Nature Conservancy unveils $1.6 billion bid to save the oceans

Global non-profit The Nature Conservancy has announced a $1.6 billion plan to help save and restore the world's oceans by selling "blue bonds" to coastal and island countries.

News Headlines

Blue solution to humanity’s “code red” crisis

The heat dome over Canada’s Pacific Northwest that killed hundreds of humans and “cooked” one billion sea creatures; Europe’s catastrophic floods; and the worst wildfires in almost a decade could become our new normal.

News Headlines

Budapest's underwater wonderland draws divers from far and wide

Not every diver's dream is to watch shimmering shoals of fish swim through coral reefs in dazzlingly blue seas.For Laura Tuominen, the ultimate diving experience is not to be found in the Red Sea or the Caribbean, but in a labyrinth of spectacular underwater caves beneath the pavements of Budapest.

News Headlines

Busy beavers: up close with Cornwall’s furry eco-warriors

Reintroducing beavers is like throwing petrol on to the bonfire when it comes to nature recovery – it really speeds things up,” says Chris Jones, farmer and communities director of the Beaver Trust. We’re on a tour of Woodland Valley Farm, near Ladock, his home and the site of the Cornwall Beave ...

News Headlines

COP25 to keep ocean focus despite moving to Madrid

Next month’s UN climate talks have moved from Chile to Spain but will retain the ‘blue COP’ theme.

News Headlines

California’s Underwater Forests Are Being Eaten by the ‘Cockroaches of the Ocean’

Early on a gray summer Saturday, an unusual assemblage — commercial fishermen, recreational boaters, neoprene-clad divers — gathered for a mission at Albion Cove, a three-hour drive north of San Francisco.

News Headlines

Can Coral Reefs ‘Have It All’?

Though coral reefs are in sharp decline across the world, scientists say some reefs can still thrive with plentiful fish stocks, high fish biodiversity, and well-preserved ecosystem functions.

News Headlines

Can We Save Coral Reefs? | Problem Solved

Coral reefs are a unique and biodiverse natural ecosystem and economic keystones for many communities and nations. They only cover about 0.2% of the ocean floor but support 25% of marine life.

News Headlines

Can oceans turn the tide on the climate crisis?

As we pump more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, the world is warming at an alarming rate, with devastating consequences. While our vast oceans are helping to take the heat out of climate change, new research shows that they are absorbing a lot more atmospheric carbon dioxide than previousl ...

News Headlines

Can we save coral reefs? | Problem Solved

Coral reefs are a unique and biodiverse natural ecosystem and economic keystones for many communities and nations. They only cover about 0.2% of the ocean floor but support 25% of marine life.

News Headlines

Canada becomes first G7 country to ban shark fin imports

It was on a family visit to Hong Kong that Kristyn Wong-Tam noticed her uncle – a well-regarded chef – was the only person at the table not touching a bowl of shark fin soup.

News Headlines

Canada's oceans on the crest of a transformative decade

Canada is in the enviable position of having the longest coastline in the world. But our trio of oceans is being battered by a storm of negative impacts, be it overexploited fish stocks, plastics pollution, degrading marine food webs, increasingly fragile coastal ecosystems or biodiversity loss ...

News Headlines

Canada’s fish populations declining; government must urgently enforce new Fisheries Act and get serious about rebuilding fisheries

Oceana Canada’s latest annual report on the state of Canada’s fisheries was released today, revealing that the health of fish populations has declined over the past three years and the government is not acting with the speed and rigour needed to rebuild depleted stocks. Unless this changes, Cana ...

News Headlines

Care for oceans a ‘collective duty’

We have a collective duty to watch over our ocean and its biodiversity to ensure it is still there for our children and the generations to come, says Pacific Ocean Commissioner Dame Meg Taylor.

News Headlines

Caribbean could lose coral reefs by end of century, UN environment agency warns

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has warned that the Caribbean, among other places, could lose its coral reefs by the end of the century unless there are drastic reductions in greenhouse-gas emissions.

News Headlines

Chaos and beauty

Todd Thimios is an acclaimed underwater photographer, deep sea submersible pilot and expedition leader, currently based in Australia. His work has been feature in The Times, Boat International and get lost magazine, and was highly commended in the 2020 Ocean Photography Awards. In this interview ...

News Headlines

Chile: Expedition to the end of the world, where humpback whales are thriving

This is the story of how, after centuries of exploitation, the humpback whale has managed to recover in the waters of southernmost Chile. It is also the story of how the park where the recovery is unfolding has become one of the best spots in the Pacific Ocean to admire these giants.

News Headlines

China marks World Oceans Day with a focus on protecting marine biodiversity

Countries across the world will observe World Oceans Day on Tuesday. This year's theme, "The Ocean: Life and Livelihoods," highlights the importance of oceans for the life and activities of the global community.

News Headlines

Citizen Science Comes of Age

A team of seven scuba divers crawled along the seafloor in a shallow bay off Tasmania, Australia, parting tufts of seaweed and peering under small rock ledges as they hunted for a rosy-hued fish scarcely bigger than a mouse with a pouty face, hand-like pectoral fins, and a posture reminiscent of ...

News Headlines

Click, clack and pop: sounds indicate health of coral reefs, study finds

The popping sound, like milk hitting puffed rice cereal, that you hear when putting your head underwater is not your ear adjusting to a different atmosphere – it is the sound of the submarine world.

News Headlines

Climate change, human activity lead to nearshore coral growth decline

Declining growth of Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System corals predicts trouble for worldwide reefs

News Headlines

Climate heating is sucking the oxygen out of the oceans

The growing number of greenhouse gas emissions and the loss of nutrients are taking oxygen out of the oceans, threatening all marine biodiversity.

News Headlines

Coastal pollution reduces genetic diversity of corals, reef resilience

A new study published in the journal PeerJ by researchers at the University of Hawaii found that human-induced environmental stressors have a large effect on the genetic composition of coral reef populations in Hawaii.

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Coastal seas around New Zealand are heading into a marine heatwave, again

As New Zealanders are enjoying their days at the beach, unusually warm ocean temperatures look to be a harbinger of another marine heatwave.

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Coastal species are forming colonies on plastic trash in the ocean, study finds

Termed “neopelagic communities”, these colonies are thriving in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and going where the current flows

News Headlines

Cod is more than a commodity, it’s vital for North Sea health – Calum Duncan

Earlier this year, the intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on ­Biodiversity and Ecosystem ­Services (IPBES) published the most ­comprehensive assessment ever conducted on the global state of nature.

News Headlines

Colorful connection found in coral's ability to survive higher temperatures

Coral within the family Acropora are fast growers and thus important for reef growth, island formation, and coastal protection but, due to global environmental pressures, are in decline

News Headlines

Colorful new corals bedeck the busy waters off Hong Kong, study shows

In the eastern waters off Hong Kong, a group of scientists searching for coral-eating nudibranchs stumbled upon a colorful surprise: three new species of sun corals. These orange, purple and green corals belong to the genus Tubastraea, bringing the known members of this coral group from seven sp ...

News Headlines

Concerned scientists probe sea urchin deaths in Caribbean

Sea urchins are dying across the Caribbean at a pace scientists say could rival a mass die-off that last occurred in 1983, alarming many who warn the trend could further decimate already frail coral reefs in the region.

Results per page: 10 25 50 100
Result 51 to 100
Results for: ("News Headlines") AND ("Marine and Coastal Biodiversity")
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme