Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures

ID 26610
Main Information
Title Balancing the returns to catchment management : the economic value of conserving natural forests in Sekong, Lao PDR
Description The study estimates the total economic value of forests in the Sekong province of Laos. It includes different local and global benefits provided by forests. Non-timber forest products are valued according to their market value where available, and through a participatory approach to stated-preference valuation. Estimating timber values is based on provincial revenues from exports and timber tax earnings. 
The production value of fisheries, agriculture, and hydropower were used to estimate the value of watershed protection, and the forest’s contribution towards reducing floods and erosion was calculated as the damage costs avoided. Biodiversity conservation services of the forest were estimated using the “revealed willingness to pay” of the government as expressed by its expenditures for forest conservation, and the value of carbon sequestration was based on results from other studies.
Web Link /doc/case-studies/inc/cs-inc-iucn-10-en.pdf
Additional Information
Authors Rosales et al.
Source The case study was prepared by the following authors as the IUCN Water, Nature and Economics Technical Paper No. 5: Rina Rosales, Mikkel Kallesoe, Pauline Gerrard, Phokhin Muangchanh, Sombounmy Phomtavong and Somphao Khamsomphou
Countries Lao People's Democratic Republic
Ecosystems Forest Biodiversity
Inland Waters Biodiversity
Incentive Measures Economic Valuation
Keywords Forest biodiversity
Forest management
Forest resources
Revenue sharing with communities
Wildlife trade
Contingent valuation
Change in productivity