Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures

ID 5491
Government Austria
Submitted for Fifth Ordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 5)
Main Information
Title Economic incentive measures in the creation of the National Park Neusiedler See-Seewinkel, Austria
Description The study examines the use of economic incentives for the establishment and running of the National Park Neusiedler See (Seewinkel). The park was opened in 1983 and was the first national park in Austria recognized under Category II by IUCN. A number of incentive measures were used to ensure the conservation of the Neusiedler See and the reed belt there (recognized as a Biosphere Reserve by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural organization (UNESCO) in 1977). These measures include the removal of government subsidies for the drainage of wetlands for agricultural cultivation, the provision of compensation to land-owners ceding their lands to the National Park, restricting the access of hunters to the area (with compensation for entitled hunters), the possible ceasing of the stocking of the lake with non-native fish species (again with potential compensation), and the banning of reed-burning while allowing the continued, sustainable harvesting of the reeds. Because of falling prices and growing intensification in agriculture, as well as increased tourism activities, the National Park is seen as a positive economic alternative to agriculture.
Web Link /doc/case-studies/inc/cs-inc-oecd-17-en.pdf
Additional Information
Authors Klaus Hubacek and Wolfgang Bauer
Source Study was initially submitted to the OECD and is summarized in the OECD (1999) Handbook of Incentive Measures for biodiversity. Design and Implementation. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris.
Countries Austria
Ecosystems Inland Waters Biodiversity
Regions Western Europe and Others
Incentive Measures Indirect Incentives (property rights, market creation)
Positive Incentives (subsidies, tax breaks, ...)
Reform of Perverse Incentives
Regulations / Access Restrictions
Keywords Access restrictions
Compensation for loss of use
Market creation (organic production, tourism, ...)
Parks and reserves
Subsidy reform
Use / hunting permits / licensing