Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures

ID 6536
Submitting Entity Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
Submitted for First meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (BS COP MOP 1)
Main Information
Title Direct payments for biodiversity provided by Swiss farmers: an economic interpretation of direct democratic decision
Description This case seeks to derive biodiversity values reflecting the preferences for habitat and species diversity that are revealed in (direct-)democratic agri-environmental policy choice and the financial transfers to farmers granted in this domain.
Web Link /doc/case-studies/inc/cs-inc-oecd-11-en.pdf
Additional Information
Source Study prepared for the OECD (2002) Handbook of Biodiversity Valuation
Countries Switzerland
Ecosystems Agricultural Biodiversity
Forest Biodiversity
Inland Waters Biodiversity
Mountain Biodiversity
Regions Western Europe and Others
Incentive Measures Economic Valuation
Positive Incentives (subsidies, tax breaks, ...)
Keywords Conservation payments
Agri-environmental payments
Contingent valuation
Contingent ranking