Country Profiles

Bangladesh - Country Profile

The national targets (or equivalent) presented in this database are taken from the NBSAPs received since COP-10, fifth national reports or from documents submitted separately. The mapping of national targets to the Aichi Biodiversity Targets by the Party concerned is indicated in the last column “Related Aichi Target(s)”. All Parties are encouraged to undertake this mapping exercise and to submit this information to SCBD for incorporation in this database.

Reference Target Related Strategic Goals/Aichi Targets
National Target 1 By 2021, relevant stakeholders will be aware on the value of biodiversity and play an active role in ensuring sustainable use
National Target 2 By 2021, Assessment of valuation of goods and services of major ecosystems will be furnished towards integration into national accounting system
National Target 3 By 2021, Studies on the impacts of incentives or subsidies on biodiversity, as well as development of policy roadmaps for phasing out of incentives or subsidies harmful to biodiversity will be completed towards mainstreaming the relevant ministry for implementation of the policy roadmap
National Target 4 By 2021, Policy on Sustainable and Consumption Production (SCP) to maintain safe ecological limit of natural resources of major ecosystems will be furnished and disseminate the policy to all the stakeholders will be done towards implementation
National Target 5 By 2021, studies on the rate of habitat loss will be furnished towards promoting implementation of land use policy and enforcement of relevant legislations on conservation of natural habitats
National Target 6 By 2021, stock assessment of fish, invertebrate stocks and aquatic plants will be undertaken keeping in mind the safe ecological limit and awareness raising of the stakeholders will be enhanced so that aquatic biodiversity will be managed and harvested sustainably, legally taking into account of ecosystem based approach towards avoidance of overfishing and conservation of threatened species and vulnerable ecosystems
National Target 7 By 2021, development of Integrated Management Plan will be completed for areas under agriculture, aquaculture and forestry towards ensuring conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity
National Target 8 By 2021, study on impact of pollution and excess nutrient on functioning of major ecosystems will be conducted and enforcement drive for controlling pollution will be strengthened.
National Target 9 By 2021, study on the impact of IAS will be furnished, regulations towards control of IAS will be developed and capacities at the port-of-entries will be enhanced to regulate IAS
National Target 10 By 2021, multiple pressure on coral associated island (St. Martin) and Sundarban mangrove ecosystem will be reduced through implementation of management plan of the ecosystems.
National Target 11 By 2021, Bangladesh’s 5% area under terrestrial ecosystem (forests), 3% area under inland wetlands and coastal ecosystems and 5% of total marine area will come under PAs or ECAs with development and implementation of management plan for these areas
National Target 12 By 2021, the extinction of known threatened species will be prevented and their conservation status, particularly of those most in decline, has been improved and sustained
National Target 13 By 2021, capacity of in-situ and ex-situ conservation facilities will be strengthened to conserve the genetic diversity of cultivated plants, indigenous livestock and poultry resources
National Target 14 By 2021, develop and implement restoration plan for degraded wetlands and rivers taking into account the needs of vulnerable people and local communities
National Target 15 By 2021, initiate implementation of restoration plan for degraded ecosystems, especially, forest lands and wetlands for addressing climate change mitigation, adaptation and combating desertification
National Target 16 By 2016, Bangladesh Biological Diversity Act addressing the issues of ABS will be finalized and the instrument of ratification for the Nagoya Protocol on ABS will be submitted to the secretariat of CBD
National Target 17 By 2016, Bangladesh will develop, adopt and update NBSAP and commence implementation of the document in an effective and participatory manner
National Target 18 By 2021, traditional knowledge, innovations and practices of local communities or ethnic groups will be recognized and documented
National Target 19 By 2021, Agencies responsible for Biodiversity and Natural Resources Management will be adopting modern information technology like GIS and RS and information on biodiversity will be shared through Clearing House Mechanism (CHM)
National Target 20 By 2017, financial resources will be mobilized towards accelerated implementation of targets and activities of updated NBSAP