Country Profiles

Guinea-Bissau - Country Profile

The national targets (or equivalent) presented in this database are taken from the NBSAPs received since COP-10, fifth national reports or from documents submitted separately. The mapping of national targets to the Aichi Biodiversity Targets by the Party concerned is indicated in the last column “Related Aichi Target(s)”. All Parties are encouraged to undertake this mapping exercise and to submit this information to SCBD for incorporation in this database.

Reference Target Related Strategic Goals/Aichi Targets
National Goal 1 Up to 2020, at the latest, 50% of the Bissau-Guinean population will have knowledge on the biodiversity values and on the measures that should be taken to conserve and use it in a sustainable way.
National Goal 2 Up to 2018, the values of the biodiversity will be integrated into national and local strategies of development and of poverty reduction and in the planning procedures and incorporated into the national counting, according to the case.
National Goal 3 By the year 2018, the country will have a diagnosis and an updated and available inventory on incentives and harmful subsidies to the biodiversity and the country will elaborate an action plan that seeks correcting, reducing or eliminating these negative incentives and promoting the positive ones for the conservation and sustainable use of the biodiversity and the ecosystems services.
National Goal 4 By the year of 2020, the Government of Guinea-Bissau, the private sector and the groups of interest at all levels will have taken measures or will develop plans for production and sustainable consumption and they will have restricted the impacts of the development sectors with higher pressure on the biodiversity and natural resources.
National Goal 5 By the year 2020, to reduce more than half the degradation and fragmentation of the habitats and ecosystems, mainly, forests and more sensitive ecosystems, provoked by illegal activities.
National Goal 6 By the year 2020, the management and the capture of any fish and invertebrates reservations will be sustainable, legal and done with the ecossystem application approaches and within the safe ecological limits; plans and recovery measures for more sensitive and/or threatened species will be put in practice.
National Goal 7 By the year 2020, areas under agriculture, aquaculture and forest exploration will be managed in a sustainable way, assuring the biodiversity conservation, maintaining the essential ecological processes and the link among the different ecosystems.
National Goal 8 By the year 2018, to identify the pollutant and the main pollution sources and to create the juridical-institutional mechanisms for its management and reduction at non harmful levels to the operation of ecosystems and biodiversity.
National Goal 9 By the year 2020, to identify exotic and invading species and their respective vectorial and to establish mechanisms for their control in order to prevent their introduction and establishment.
National Goal 10 By the year 2020, to identify the multiple anthropogenetic pressures on the mangroves, mud and sand banks and, moreover, marine and coastal ecosystems affected by the climate change or oceanic acidification and to establish strategies and programs so that their integrity and operation are maintained.
National Goal 11 By the year 2020, to strengthen and to consolidate the National System of the Protected Areas and to extend it to 26% of the national territory, covering the areas of special importance for biodiversity and ecosystem services, managed in an effective and equitable way, representative ecologically and satisfactorily interlinked, and to propose other special measures of conservation, integrated in larger terrestrial and marine landscapes.
National Goal 12 By the year 2020, the extinction risk of the known threatened species will be reduced significantly, stopping the decline of the most threatened ones.
National Goal 13 By the year 2020, to maintain, through elaboration and execution of appropriate strategies, the conservation of cultivated species, of domestic animals, sylvan species and of other species of socioeconomic and/or cultural value.
National Goal 14 By year 2020, supplying ecosystems of essential services, including services related to water and which contribute to the health, life and well-being means will be preserved, taking into consideration the needs of women, poor, of the most vulnerable people and of the local ethnic communities in relation to their sociocultural and religious reproduction.
National Goal 15 By the year 2020, the resilience of ecosystems and the contribution of the biodiversity for reservations of carbon will have been increased through conservation actions and recovery, through the recovery of at least 15% of the most sensitive and degraded forest ecosystems, thus contributing to the mitigation and adaptation to the climate change and to combate the desertification.
National Goal 16 By the end of 2016, to assure the formation, adoption and function of a simple and efficient juridical-legal aspect which allows the execution of Nagoya Protocol, especially in terms of Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equal Partition of the Derived Benefits of its Use, in conformity with the national legislation.
National Goal 17 By the end of 2015, to update and to adopt, through participating methods, the strategy and the action plan for biodiversity as the instrument of biodiversity conservation policies and the national application of dispositions of biodiversity convention.
National Goal 18 By the year 2020, to respect and to make them be respected, according to the national legislation and the international obligations, the traditional knowledge, innovations and local ethnic communities' important practices for the conservation and the sustainalbe use of biodiversity, as well as the common use of these biological resources, integrating and making them reflect in execution of the Convention dispositions, with the full and effective participation from the local ethnic communities at all the levels.
National Goal 19 By the year 2020, to get better shares, to transfer and to apply the knowledge, on scientific base and the linked technologies to the biodiversity, their values, operation, situation and tendencies and the consequences of its loss.
National Goal 20 By the year 2020, to assure and to mobilize the necessary financial resources progressively to the effective execution of the Strategy and Action Plan for the Biodiversity, inclusively through the incorporation of innovative and more durable financing mechanisms.