Country Profiles

Kyrgyzstan - Country Profile

The national targets (or equivalent) presented in this database are taken from the NBSAPs received since COP-10, fifth national reports or from documents submitted separately. The mapping of national targets to the Aichi Biodiversity Targets by the Party concerned is indicated in the last column “Related Aichi Target(s)”. All Parties are encouraged to undertake this mapping exercise and to submit this information to SCBD for incorporation in this database.

Reference Target Related Strategic Goals/Aichi Targets
Strategic Target 1 Integrate biodiversity conservation issue into the activities of state bodies and public organizations by 2020, as the basis of the human being and sustainable economic development of the Kyrgyz Republic
Objective 1.1 Raise the level of public awareness and government authorities the importance of supporting civic initiatives in the field of biodiversity conservation
Objective 1.2 Ensure coordination between policy, culture, knowledge and actions efficiency.
Objective 1.3 Integrate the issues of biodiversity conservation into economic decisions for the development of appropriate controls and limits the impact on biodiversity in all areas of natural resources management.
Strategic Target 2 Reduce the impact on biodiversity and promote its sustainable use.
Objective 2.1 Save and restore the most vulnerable ecosystems and genetic resources, significantly reduce the rate of species loss, degradation and fragmentation of their habitats.
Objective 2.2 Improve the management system in the field of biodiversity conservation
Objective 2.3 Specify and classify invasive alien species by priority, as well as the ways of their introductions, and to prevent their introduction and distribution on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic
Objective 2.4 Mobilize financial resources
Objective 2.5 Develop regional and international cooperation for the conservation of biodiversity
Strategic Target 3 Improve the protection and monitoring of ecosystems and species diversity.
Objective 3.1 Improve the system of SPNAs and environmental networks.
Objective 3.2 Improve the conservation of agro-biodiversity and the preservation of their wild progenitors.
Strategic Target 4 Improve the social importance of biodiversity and ecosystem services, increase the benefits of sustainable ecosystem services and traditional technologies.
Objective 4.1 Improve the social protection of local communities and vulnerable groups, increase their income from the use of biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Objective 4.2 Increase the resilience of ecosystems, and thus increase the contribution of biodiversity to carbon stocks, contributing to climate change mitigation and adaptation and to combating desertification.
Objective 4.3 At the national level to support traditional knowledge, innovations and practices of local communities on the use of biodiversity and ecosystem services in the implementation of traditional home industries.