Upcoming and Previous Events
Upcoming Events
International Day for Biodiversity, 22 May 2023
Sixteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, 21 October - 1 November 2024, Venue to be determined, Türkiye, Tentative
Eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, 21 October - 1 November 2024, Venue to be determined, Türkiye, Tentative
Fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing, 21 October - 1 November 2024, Venue to be determined, Türkiye, Tentative
Previous Events
COP 15 - 2022 UN Biodiversity Conference Fifteenth Conference of the Parties (COP 15), Part II, 7 - 19 December, 2022 in Montreal, Canada
Host Government Website High-level segment of the fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, 15 - 17 December 2022
Place Quebec at COP 1, Part II (an interactive space for non-state actors), including Action Agenda Booth and other Action Agenda Related Events Fifth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, 3 - 5 December 2022
Launch of New Video on Commitments for The Global Biodiversity Framework and Action Hub Event
➜ Nature for Life Hub 2022
Action Agenda Booth at COP 15
Action Agenda Events at COP 15
Workshop on Non-State Actors Participating in CBD COP15 - August 11 (9pm EST)
Action Agenda for Nature and People - Nairobi Information Session - June 25, 2022
Workshop Options to Enhance Planning, Monitoring, Reporting and Review Mechanisms (SBI-3 Agenda Item 9), 17-18 June 2022, Nairobi, Kenya
International Day for Biodiversity, 22 May / 22 reasons to make a commitment on the Action Agenda
Webinar: UN Biodiversity Convention’s Voluntary Commitments and the Barents Region, 8 November 2021
The Finnish Chairmanship of the BEAC Working Group on Environment and the CBD Secretariat organizing the webinar on the role of voluntary commitments to raise attention and mobilize regional and local stakeholder activities in support of the global on biodiversity through the Action Agenda. The webinar showcased commitments and actions that have taken part in the Barents Biodiversity Initiative and also held a technical training for stakeholders on the use of the Action Agenda portal, where voluntary commitments are displayed.
Online discussions: Biosafety non-state actors’ engagement in the Action Agenda, 27 Sept. – 24 Oct. 2021
The online discussions promoted and inspired action towards issues related to biosafety and the protection of biodiversity. The outcomes of the discussions contributed to the implementation of the draft Implementation Plan for the Cartagena Protocol for the coming 10 years.
Webinar: The race is on: a business voices event ahead of COP 15, 5 October 2021
The webinar was to highlight different companies, representiing a variety of sectors and industries, joint commitment from the Union for Ethical Biotrade to cultivate, collect or procure ingredients sustainably, to address biodiversity loss as their contribution to the Sharm El-Sheikh to Kunming Action Agenda for Nature and People.
Webinar: Biosafety commitments to the Action Agenda, 27 Sept. 2021
The webinar was to: 1) provide an initial discussion on the importance and features of the Action Agenda for Nature and People to mobilize biosafety commitments from non-State actors; and 2) Strengthen familiarity with the importance of and guidance to making a commitment in Action Agenda.
NGO Action Forum convened ahead of UN Biodiversity Conference mobilises hundreds of commitments on biodiversity, 27 Sept. 2021 - 28 September 2021
NGO Action Forum issued joint call for action and mobilised hundreds of commitments to help advance biodiversity goals and objectives, including post-2020 global biodiversity framework.
Symposium is Building a Community of Life Together for Mankind and Nature: Non-State Actor Actions for Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Conservation, July 2021
The symposium included i) promoting the role of non-state actors and promoting global actions, ii) sharing the experience and iii) understanding the biomes and challenges of protecting the biomes.
Technical Webinar on Voluntary Commitments, June 2021
The technical webinar introduced the Action Agenda in the context of the post 2020 global biodiversity framework and provided technical guidance on how to make and register a commitment through the Action Agenda. It also shared information on platform interoperability.
World Biodiversity Forum Virtual Events, April-May 2021
The World Biodiversity Forum Virtual Events were calls to action, offering inspiration and positive examples for solutions to create an impact action agenda for biodiversity. Participants shared case studies and told about success stories and highlighting synergies.
United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) 5 side event webinar, February 2021
The event underscored how non-state actor commitments support the urgency of action and ambition of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework, while also showcasing concrete examples of biodiversity’s fundamental role in advancing the SDGs.