COP28 Joint Statement on Climate, Nature and People
At the UNFCCC COP 28 UAE's Nature, Land Use and Ocean Day, 18 countries endorsed the COP28 Joint Statement on Climate, Nature and People, uniting for nature and placing it at the center of climate action.
The COP28 Joint Statement on Climate, Nature and People serves as an output of the ‘Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC)- National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAP) Ministerial’ held on 9 December 2023 at COP28, which brought governments and non-state actors together to discuss international and domestic efforts which align the design and implementation of national climate and biodiversity plans and strategies towards promoting accelerated and integrated action for climate, nature and sustainable development.
The collective ambition expressed by the Joint Statement aims to raise stronger awareness of and capacity to deliver the necessary synergies between the Paris Agreement and the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Specifically, it seeks to encourage and support synergetic implementation of their respective national instruments:
- NDCs,
- National Adaptation Plans (NAPs), and
- Long-Term Strategies (LTS) for climate, and
- NBSAPs for biodiversity.
Additional engagement with countries’ Land Degradation Neutrality targets and National Drought Plans are also encouraged. This effort is critical as countries work to submit revised NBSAPs that are Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework aligned in 2024 in advance of CBD COP16, and submit new NDCs in 2025 for UNFCCC COP30 in response to the Global Stocktake at COP28.
Excerpt from the COP28 Joint Statement on Climate, Nature and People
"...We therefore affirm our commitment to strengthen our respective and shared efforts, including through voluntary partnerships, initiatives and coalitions, and in accordance with the Paris Agreement and the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, to work collaboratively and expeditiously to pursue the following common objectives:
- Fostering stronger synergies, integration and alignment in the planning and implementation of national climate, biodiversity and land restoration plans and strategies, with specific emphasis on ambition, comprehensiveness and coherence between the next round of NDCs, updated NAPs, and forthcoming revised NBSAPs, as appropriate/within their respective mandates, and the implementation of a whole-of-government approach that mainstreams coherence, coordination and the efficient use of resources within and between relevant ministries and departments;
- Scaling of finance and investments for climate and nature from all sources, including domestic budgets, multilateral development banks, multilateral climate and biodiversity funds, bilateral development agencies, private sectors actors, and philanthropic sources, in a synergetic, dedicated and progressive manner that ensures the promotion of co-benefits and efficient use through nature-based solutions and/or ecosystem based approaches, and access to finance in an inclusive and equitable manner, including through direct access modalities, in particular for indigenous peoples, local communities, women, girls, and youth, among others;
- Ensuring the full, equitable, inclusive and effective representation and participation of indigenous peoples, local communities, women, girls, youth, and other vulnerable communities in the planning and implementation of climate and biodiversity plans and strategies at all levels, in a manner respecting rights, enhancing land tenure security, and utilizing traditional knowledge;
- Promoting a whole-of-society approach in the synergetic planning and implementation of national climate, biodiversity and land restoration plans and strategies that draws upon and includes the contributions of indigenous peoples, local communities, civil society including women, youth and children, the private sector, financial institutions, academic institutions, and subnational authorities, including through the voluntary actions under the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action and the Sharm El-Sheikh to Kunming and Montreal Action Agenda for Nature and People, and their respective Champions;
- Encouraging coherence and interoperability across data sources and data collection, metrics and methodologies, and voluntary reporting frameworks for climate change, biodiversity, and sustainable land management efforts, including through collaboration with international, nongovernmental and private sector organizations, scientific and academic institutions, and indigenous peoples and local communities."
Click here to read the full joint statement
More information:
Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework
Rio Conventions Pavilion Journey at UNFCCC COP28
COP Presidents' United Statement for Climate COP28 UAE
"I applaud the COP15 and COP28 Presidencies for using their convening power to bring alliances, partnerships and initiatives together. This joint statement underlines the importance of addressing biodiversity loss and climate change together at the global, national and local level"