Image Photos by IISD/ENB | Mike Muzurakis

How the public can participate in the formal sessions of SBSTTA-24

Take part by watching the Twenty-fourth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA-24) Plenary Sessions!

The Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice is the intergovernmental body responsible for providing scientific, technical and technological advice related to the implementation of the Convention.  It plays a key role in assessing the current status of the world’s biodiversity, identifying solutions and in bringing emerging issues related to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity to the attention of the global community.

Learning and Resources

SBSTTA-24 will provide advice on the scientific and technical underpinnings of the framework. The following are key components of the upcoming discussions: 

•    Information that was included in the Fifth Global Biodiversity Outlook, which informs the framework.
•    Oversight on the updated elements of the draft post-2020 framework.
•    Scientific and technical information and analyses of the linkages between the proposed goals, targets and monitoring framework and the Sustainable Development Goals.
•    Review on the appendices to the draft framework prepared by the Co-Chairs of the OEWG and the Executive Secretary. 
•    Review of the range of relevant existing indicators, baselines, baseline dates, or other appropriate methods for monitoring changes in biodiversity, indicator gaps and, where relevant, options for filling such gaps and for a monitoring framework for the post-2020 framework.

Re-watching the Sessions

Open sessions will be livestreamed on the following website: Please note that the proceedings of the contact groups are closed to the public. 

Take a look at the schedules for updated information on what is coming next. 

Plenary Session  -  9 June 2021

(Español) (Français)

Plenary Session  -  8 June 2021

(Español) (Français)

Plenary Session  -  7 June 2021

(Español) (Français)

Plenary Session  -  26 May 2021

(Español) (Français)

Plenary Session  -  25 May 2021

(Español) (Français)

Plenary Session  -  24 May 2021

(Español) (Français)

Plenary Session  -  23 May 2021

(Español) (Français)

Plenary Session  -  4 May 2021

(Español) (Français)

Plenary Session  -  3 May 2021

(Español) (Français)

Online Discussion

SBSTTA-24 is intended to galvanize urgent and transformative action by governments and all of society, including indigenous peoples and local communities, civil society and businesses.  The meetings are meant to help to maintain momentum in the preparation for the fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 15) and related meetings, including important work related to the development of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework

The public is invited to participate by commenting through the CBD's  social media channels, including our YouTube channel, FacebookTwitter and LinkedIn pages.




More Information:

Press Release

Scenario Note for SBSTTA-24
