Je donne vie à ma planète Belgium celebrated the 2010 International Day for Biological Diversity by organizing several activities and events, most of them targeted towards the general public. Here are a few examples:
Outdoor photo exhibition An outdoor exhibition of 60 big photos illustrating Brussels’ biodiversity and launched by minister Huytebroeck has been placed along the Green Walk in the periphery of Brussels. The yearly ‘Environment Day’ of the Brussels Capital Region was entirely placed in the framework of biodiversity. |
Natuurpunt The Flemish NGO Natuurpunt held a large field inventory weekend aiming to observe 2010 species. It resulted in the impressive number of 39 000 sightings and 3 211 observed species.
Roodwaternacht The province of Antwerp presented Roodwaternacht, a nature book for children put together by Flemish artists, and organized a lot of related activities. |
The province of East Flanders held a biodiversity exhibition in the visitor centre De Kaaihoeve. The French-speaking NGO
Natagora organized a family happening in a nature reserve.
Biogeosafari The Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences launched the biogeosafari, a trail game along different biodiversity(-related) locations in Brussels as well as the species register, an online and illustrated inventory of all species living in Belgium. The engagement campaign I give life to my planet and its enriched website, a joint project with the Federal Public Service Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment, were also put forward. |
Royal Museum for Central Africa The Royal Museum for Central Africa highlighted the
exhibition on the Congo River.
National Botanic Garden of Belgium The National Botanic Garden of Belgium launched an
artistic exhibition of nature pictures.
... and more! Finally and in line with the previous years, the Belgian CBD National Focal Point compiled a
French and
Dutch press release on biodiversity and related activities organized in Belgium on and around the date of 22 May 2010. Those and other Belgian biodiversity events in 2010 can also be found at