Notification 2012-078

The Global Invasive Alien Species Information Partnership: An Organizational Workshop for Information Users and Providers and Request for Invasive Alien Species Information Needs Assessment

Dear Madam/Sir, In paragraph 7 of decision X/38, the Conference of the Parties (COP) encouraged Parties and invited other Governments and organizations to consider ways and means to increase the interoperability of existing information resources. In paragraph 9 (a) of the same decision, the COP also requested the Executive Secretary to compile and distribute existing information. This activity builds upon the Joint Work Programme to Strengthen Information Services on Invasive Alien Species as a Contribution towards Aichi Biodiversity Target 9, as presented at the fifteenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) in the document UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/15/INF/14. Accordingly, with the generous financial assistance of the European Union, the Secretariat is organizing a workshop on the Global Invasive Alien Species Information Partnership that will be held on 9-10 July 2012 at the Natural History Museum, London, United Kingdom. The Secretariat also kindly requests your assistance in responding to the guiding questions in Annex 1 that will help us draft the strategic plan for “The Global Invasive Species Information Partnership”, as well as prepare for both the July workshop in London and a side event that is to be held at the eleventh meeting of the COP. The workshop on the Global Invasive Alien Species Information Partnership in London will include: a) an overview of information needs to achieve Aichi Biodiversity Target 9; (b) demonstrations of the current capacities and gaps in selected information systems; (c) a review of a draft of the strategic plan for “The Global Invasive Species Information Partnership”; (d) discussion on funding capacity-building projects to advance information systems for Target 9 implementers; and (e) planning for a side event at the eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties of the CBD in which “The Global Invasive Species Information Partnership” will be officially launched. Please note that this workshop will be in English only. I am pleased to invite you to nominate one representative to attend this workshop. Please note that there are limited funds available to support participation in this meeting. The Secretariat will select participants with the criteria in Annex 2, attached to this letter. The Secretariat will be in a position to finance the participation of selected participants from eligible countries. Please provide the name and contact details of your nominee via official signed letter addressed to the Executive Secretary (faxed to +1 (514) 288-6588, or scanned and attached to an email addressed to no later than 15 June 2012. Unless the nominee is the current SBSTTA or GTI Focal Point, nominations must include full contact details and be accompanied by curriculum vitae clearly indicating the areas of expertise of the nominee. The nominee should be in a position to translate the capacity gained into concrete actions in support on national implementation. I look forward to receiving your nominations and I thank you in advance for your cooperation and for your continued support for the work of the Convention. Please accept, Madam/Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration. Annex 1: Guiding Questions The Secretariat requests your prompt assistance in responding to the following guiding questions. Your responses will greatly assist in drafting the strategic plan for “The Global Invasive Species Information Partnership” and preparing for both the workshop in London and a side event at the eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties. This information is important for the implementation of Aichi Biodiversity Target 9: “By 2020, invasive alien species and pathways are identified and prioritized, priority species are controlled or eradicated, and measures are in place to manage pathways to prevent their introduction and establishment”. 1. What are your information needs for achieving Aichi Biodiversity Target 9? 2. How/where do you plan to access this information? (i.e. which databases, lists, registries, etc.) 3. What analytical tools do you need to achieve Target 9? 4. How/where do you plan to access these analytical tools? 5. What barriers/challenges do you anticipate in accessing/acquiring the information and analytical tools you need to achieve Target 9? 6. What recommendations do you have for overcoming these barriers/challenges at the national, regional, and global level? Annex 2: Selection criteria • A working knowledge of the Convention on Biological Diversity; • Expertise on invasive alien species; • Substantial experience as a user and/or provider of scientific information –in the context of addressing invasive alien species (e.g., to conduct risk analyses); • The ability to share meeting outcomes with relevant colleagues and transfer knowledge gained into concrete actions at the national and regional levels; • Support to attend the eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties and participate in the aforementioned side event.

Executive Secretary

To: GTI Focal Points and SBSTTA Focal points


Action required by 2012-06-15

Subject(s): Invasive Alien Species

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