Notification 2012-084

REMINDER: Subject: Call for nominations for the GTI Subregional Capacity-building Workshop to Address Invasive Alien Species and to Achieve Aichi Biodiversity Targets in East and South East Asia

Dear Madam/Sir, Reference is made to the earlier notification (2012-072), dated 15 May 2012, regarding the nomination of experts to participate in the “GTI Subregional Capacity-building Workshop to Address Invasive Alien Species and to Achieve Aichi Biodiversity Targets in East and South East Asia”, to be held at the Khao Yai National Park in Thailand, from 30 July to 1 August 2012. This subregional workshop is being convened by the CBD Secretariat in collaboration with the Government of Thailand, pursuant to COP decision X/39, paragraph 7. I extend my sincere appreciation to those countries which have responded to the notification and have nominated an expert to the workshop (Cambodia, Japan, Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia). I kindly remind the remaining countries to submit their nomination of expert to participate in the workshop as soon as possible. As indicated in the earlier notification, nominations should preferably be the GTI Focal Point for your country. If you do not have a GTI Focal Point, you may nominate a SBSTTA Focal Point or an expert who should be in a position to translate the capacity gained into concrete actions in support of national implementation. These nominations should be in the form of an official signed letter by CBD National Focal Points and must include full contact details. Nominations other than for the GTI Focal Point or the SBSTTA Focal Point should be accompanied by a curriculum vitae clearly indicating the areas of expertise and experience of the nominee. The Secretariat will be in a position to finance the participation of one expert from each eligible Party. The official signed letter can either be scanned and emailed to or faxed to the Secretariat at +1514 288 6588, no later than 10 June 2012. We look forward to receiving your nominations, and I thank you in advance for your support and cooperation. Please accept, Madam/Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Executive Secretary

To: CBD National Focal Points, SBSTTA Focal points and GTI Focal Points in East and South East Asian countries: Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Viet Nam, China, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Japan, Mongolia, Republic of Korea


Action required by 2012-06-10

Subject(s): Global Taxonomy Initiative