Notification 2020-066

Further information on modalities: Special Virtual Sessions for SBSTTA 24 and SBI 3, 15-18 September 2020

Dear Madam/Sir, Further to Notification 2020-058 ( issued on 14 August 2020, by which the Secretariat announced that a series of special virtual sessions of SBSTTA and SBI are scheduled for 15-18 September 2020, I would like to provide further information on the modalities for participation in the sessions. As already stated in the earlier notification and as per the practice for meetings of the subsidiary bodies, the designation of representatives to participate in the above sessions should be addressed to the CBD Executive Secretary through an official letter of nomination. Each delegation will be provided an opportunity to speak during any of the sessions. In order to ensure the security of the meetings and correct identification of those speaking on behalf of delegations, delegations need to designate their speaker(s) in advance. Taking into account the technical limitations of the platform, the number of participants designated as speakers will be limited for each session as follows: • Parties and other Governments – will be assigned two (2) microphones • UN organizations and IGOs - will be assigned two (2) microphones • All others delegations will be assigned one (1) microphone Accordingly, when preparing the nomination letter to participate in the special virtual sessions, delegations should specify their designated speakers. It is possible to assign different speakers for each of the sessions (However, please note that 16 & 17 September is considered as one session). The designated speakers will receive a link the day before the scheduled event. Therefore, kindly ensure to provide a unique e-mail address for each designated speaker. All other delegates will be able to follow the session through the live webcast. The link for the webcast will be made available on the webpage of the virtual sessions prior to the scheduled event. Please send the nomination letter by e-mail to or by fax at +1 514-288-6588, as soon as possible but no later than 11 September 2020. Training sessions on how to use the virtual platform will be conducted during the week of 7 September. Those who wish to take part in the training should register before 4 September. As indicated in the previous notification, the webpage for these special virtual sessions, which is accessible at:, will be updated as new information becomes available. I look forward to your active participation in these important sessions. Please accept, Madam/Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Executive Secretary

To: CBD National Focal Points, SBSTTA Focal Points, indigenous peoples and local communities and relevant organizations, cc: Cartagena Protocol Focal Points, ABS Focal Points


Action required by 2020-09-11

Subject(s): Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA), Subsidiary Body on Implementation (SBI), Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit-sharing, Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety

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