Notification 2023-035

Extension of deadline: Nomination of experts for the Technical Expert Group on Financial Reporting

Dear Madam/Sir, Reference is made to notification 2023-012 issued on 21 February 2023, inviting Parties and observers to nominate experts for the Technical Expert Group on Financial Reporting. The technical expert group on financial reporting will be established under the ad hoc technical expert group that was established to advise on the further operationalization of the monitoring framework for the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (please refer to CBD notification 2023-001 of 11 January 2023), in accordance with paragraph 6 of the terms of reference of that group (decision 15/5). I would like to thank Parties and observers who have submitted nominations and to invite those who have not yet done so, to submit their nominations as soon as possible. I am also pleased to inform you that the deadline to submit nominations has been extended to 14 April 2023. Kindly note that nominations should be sent through an official letter addressed to the Executive Secretary, together with the CV and the filled-out interest disclosure form, in line with decision 14/33, available at:, as scanned attachments, by e-mail to . The members of the technical expert group on financial reporting will be selected from among nominees based on relevant expertise and experience, taking into account gender balance and equitable geographical distribution. I thank you for your cooperation and continued support to the Convention on Biological Diversity. Please accept, Madam/Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Acting Executive Secretary

To: CBD National Focal Points, Resource Mobilization National Focal Points, indigenous peoples and local communities, women and youth organizations, relevant organizations and initiatives and relevant stakeholders


Action required by 2023-04-14

Subject(s): Financial Mechanism and Resources Mobilization

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