Business and Biodiversity Forum - 12 and 13 december 2022 - COP 15
Biodiversity lays the foundation for the health, livelihoods, food security and nutrition for all. Our economies are embedded in natural systems and depend considerably on the flow of ecosystem goods and services.
The inter-connected Climate and Biodiversity crises touch all our lives, yet, we are knowingly destroying the life-support systems of this planet.
Urgent action is needed and identifying common solutions to global challenges will be key to halting and reversing biodiversity loss. Moving away fron business as usual will be critical and will require re-imagining business models, re-designing value chains, addressing current practices flaws and reaching the right level of ambition.
COP15 will be a watershed event where Parties, subnational and local authorities, civil society, academia, indigenous peoples and local communities and business and financial sectors will come together to support the adoption of the post-2020 Global Biodiveristy Framework (GBF).
On December 12 & 13 the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity will convene the Business and Biodiversity Forum. The two-day event will provide a unique opportunity for the business community to have an open dialogue on what business action really looks like, what are the policies needed to scale up ambition and to identify tools and solutions that can support companies in moving away from business as usual.
The BBF will also provide an opportunity for:
- Engaging governments, policy makers, business leaders, finance sector and interest groups in the discussions on how to support implementation of the post 2020 GBF goals and targets
- Sharing inspiring examples of scalable and replicable initiatives from private sector that are already in place
- Understanding how standards and frameworks can help and guide businesses in their journey to more sustainable practices
Download the full programme of the Business Biodiversity Forum
[last updated: 9 Dec. 2022, 5pm - PDF - 155 Kb]
Day 1 - 12 DECEMBER 2022 |
Morning Plenary Sessions
[ Webcast recording: EN | FR | 中文 ]
Opening Session (Plenary)
The high-level panel will set the stage for the business forum and will bring together high-level representatives to highlight the role of private sector to the successful implementation of the post 2020 global biodiversity framework, the ambition needed to scale up action and the role of government in creating an enabling environment through the right policies and measures
- Speakers
- Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, Executive Secretary of CBD
- Jo Tyndall, Director Environment Directorate, OECD
- Diane Holdorf, Executive Vice President, WBCSD
- Julia Simpson, CEO, World Travel & Tourism Council
- CUI Shuhong, Director-General, Natural Ecology Protection Department, Ministry Of Ecology and Environment
- Facilitator
- Jorge Laguna-Celis, Head, One Planet Network – 10YFP
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Keynote Speaker: Jeffrey Sachs, President, Sustainable Development Solutions Network
Inspiring address on the interconnectedness between biodiversity loss, climate change and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals
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Networking Break
Embedding Biodiversity into Business (plenary)
An overview illustrated by concrete business cases of how businesses are taking action to integrate biodiversity into decision-making and how policies can help accelerate that change. The session will feature compelling examples of shifts in business and practices that are innovative, transformative, measurable, scalable, inclusive, and critical in reversing biodiversity loss.
- Speakers
- Denise Hills, Sustainability Director, Natura & Co.
- Catherine Remy, VP, Total Energies
- Takao Aiba, Chair Planning, Keidanren Committee on Nature Conservation
- Zhang Yujun, Director General, Environment Cooperation Center (FECO), ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) P.R. China
- Geraldine Vallejo, Sustainability Programme Director, kering
- Andrea Ledward, International Biodiversity and Climate Director, UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
- Facilitator
- Katia Karousakis, Biodiversity Programme Leader for the Environment, Transitions and Resilience Division, Environment Directorate, OECD
- Katia Karousakis, Biodiversity Programme Leader for the Environment, Transitions and Resilience Division, Environment Directorate, OECD
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Afternoon Parallel Sessions
Biodiversity, climate and the Energy transition
The moderated discussion will showcase how the energy sector is increasingly recognizing the need to address climate change and biodiversity loss together by designing strategies that include renewable solutions and address impacts on biodiversity. The session will also discuss how to address tradeoffs resulting from growing demand for raw materials and land use and try to identify solutions to some of these challenges.
- Speakers
- Kathrina Mannion, VP Environmental & Social Sustainability, BP
- Alexandre Marty, Head of Climate and Natural Resources, EDF
- Malu Paiva, VP Sustainability, Vale
- Emilio Tejedor Escobar, Head of Environment & Quality, Iberdrola
- Julie Boucher, Vice President Sustainability, Community Relations and Communications, Hydro Quebec
- Amy Fraenkel, Executive Secretary, CMS
- Facilitator
- Matt Jones, Head of Nature Economy, UNEP-WCMC
Networking Break
Greening Value Chains
The session will provide for a dialogue on the challenges and solutions in addressing biodiversity impacts in a scenario of global value chains and will provide for an opportunity to zoom into innovative approaches to restoring and regenerating biodiversity and ecosystems as well as the role of business, finance, and governments in transforming value-chains systems.
- Speakers
- Helene Valade, Environmental Development Director, LVMH
- Paola Tineo, CEO, Zero by ecopalatineo (tbc)
- Christina Niemelä Ström, Head of Sustainability, IKEA Supply
- Gladys Naylor, Group Head of Sustainability, Mondi
- Char Love, Global Director of Advocacy, Natura & Co.
- Facilitator
- Rik Lojenga, Executive Director, UEBT
Afternoon Parallel Sessions
Measuring ambitions: Valuing nature in decision-making
The high-level panel on the need for mandatory requirements to accelerate action will explore how the business and finance community can work with governments to implement an ambitious Target 15 successfully. It will focus on the role of standards and frameworks in supporting business and finance in integrating the values of biodiversity into decision-making.
- Speakers
- Eva Zabey, Executive Director, Business for Nature
- Pietro Bertazzi, Global Director Policy Engagement and External Affairs, CDP
- Kiran Sehra, Biodiversity Analyst, Aviva
- Magali Anderson Chief Sustainability Officer, Holcim
- Akanksha Khatri, Head of Nature Action Agenda, WEF
- Sanne Kruid, Policy Adviser, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management Netherlands
- Jennie Granstrom, Biodiversity lead, H&M
- Tim Christophersen, VP Climate Action, Salesforce
- Emine Isciel, head of Climate and Environment, Storebrand
- Tony Goldner, Executive Director, TNFD
- Facilitator
- Mark Gough, CEO, Capitals Coalition
Networking Break
Integrated landscape approaches: the example of regenerative tourism
A 90-minute high-level moderated discussion on the key contribution of tourism to the sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity and to the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
- Speakers
- Prof. Don Hawkins, UQAM/CED and Special Envoy, Sustainable Tourism Global Center
- Theresa Lim, Chair of the Global Partnership for Business and Biodiversity and head of ASEAN Center for Biodiversity
- Julia Simpson, CEO, World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC)
- Glenn Mandziuk, President and CEO, Sustainable Hospitality Alliance
- Facilitator
- Zoritsa Urosevic, Executive Director, UNWTO
Day 2 - 13 DECEMBER 2022
Morning Plenary Sessions
[ Webcast recording: EN | FR | 中文 ]
Opening: Stoke take from discussions on day 1
Keynote Speaker: Hank paulson, Former US Secretary of Treasury/Founder and Chairman
Keynote address highlighting the imperative, potential, and mechanisms to engage the private sector to mobilize and unlock resources for biodiversity conservation, as well as the critical roles of the governments to create the enabling conditions to incentivize the business community. (Recorded message)
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Financing a sustainable future (plenary)
This session will explore how financial institutions, corporates and investors integrate the biodiversity dimension, from safeguarding and net gain approaches in a financing context, to orienting investment decisions towards activities and assets that generate positive returns for biodiversity. With a group of speakers including private sector focused multilateral development banks, leading asset managers, and corporate investors.
- Speakers
- Irina Likhatchova, Global Lead for Biodiversity Finance, IFC
- Alberto Ninio, General Counsel, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (tbc)
- Andrew Howard, Global Head of Sustainable Investment, Schroders
- Peter van der Werf, Senior Manager Engagement, Robeco
- Michael Torrance, Chief Sustainability Officer, BMO
- Facilitator
- Andrew Deutz, Director of Global Policy, Institutions and Conservation Finance, TNC
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Networking Break
The Future of Food Systems
The moderated discussion session will present emerging solutions and trends that can help accelerate the much-needed transition in food systems on a global scale, including regenerative agriculture, low carbon farming and other practices.
- Speakers
- Jean-Martin Fortier, founder, Market Gardener Institute
- Yves Leclerc, Director of Agronomy North America, McCain (tbc)
- Stefania Avanzini, Head OP2B
- Rachel Kolbe Semhoun, Chiev Sustainability Officer, InVivo
- Jane Ewing, Senior Vice President Sustainability, Walmart
- Facilitator
- Martina Fleckenstein, Global Policy Director, WWF International (tbc)
Afternoon Sessions
[ Webcast recording: EN | FR | 中文 ]
Business message
For the past few months, the Secretariat has been working with different business organizations to develop a message coming from the business sector to be delivered at the HLS. The message will be shared with the participatns of the Business and Biodiveristy Forum.
- Speaker
- Eva Zabey, Executive Director, Business for Nature
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Fireside chat panel
Inspiring discussion showcasing a concrete example of how business can supporting implementation of the post2020 global biodiversity
- Speakers
- Adrien Geiger, Managing Director, L’Occitane Provence and Group Sustainability Officer L’Occitane
- Geraldine Vallejo, Sustainability Programme Director, Kering
- Gautier Queru, Managing Director, Natural Capital, Mirova
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Leadership dialogue: Ambition meets action (plenary)
The closing panel will feature a dialogue between c-suite representatives that have been been pushing to put biodiversity at the forefront of decision-making. The panel will discuss how an ambitious global biodiversity framework and an enabling environment are crucial conditions for scaled action and the successful achievement of the global goals and highlight some exciting initiatives aiming at mobilizing resources for biodiversity in support of the GBF.
- Speakers
- Dax Dasilva, Executive Chair, Lightspeed and Founder of Age of Union
- Adrien Geiger, Managing Director, L’Occitane Provence and Group Sustainability Officer L’Occitane
- Anouk Trudel, CEO, Veolia Canada
- Jun Deng, President and CEO, Bank of China (Canada)
- Jason Storah, CEO, Aviva (Canada)
- Elizabeth Mrema, Executive Secretary of the CBD
- Facilitator
- Jyoti Mathur-Filipp, Executive Secretary, Secretariat of the INC for Plastics Pollution
The Business and Biodiversity Forum is open to all registered delegates to COP15. Plenary sessions will be available online (viewer only) at
Montréal (Québec) H2Z 1H2, Canada