New guidance on National ecosystem assessments to support implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity
On 23 November 2021, the Sub-Global Assessment Network in collaboration with the National Ecosystem Assessment Initiative (NEA Initiative) at UNEP-WCMC hosted an open webinar to launch the new guidance document ‘National Ecosystem Assessments to support implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity’.
This guidance developed in collaboration with the CBD Secretariat and with support from the Japan Biodiversity Fund, is relevant for CBD and IPBES National Focal Points and other interested stakeholders to better understand how national ecosystem assessments can help countries overcome challenges in implementing the CBD with regards to: biodiversity planning; national reporting; technical and scientific cooperation; capacity-building; communication, education and public awareness; and resource mobilisation. Read more >
The infographic below demonstrates the key aspects in which national ecosystem assessments can support CBD implementation. Click on the image to view in higher resolution.