
Decision COP VII/27


Mountain biological diversity

The Conference of the Parties 
Operational Active
1.Adopts the programme of work on mountain biological diversity, annexed to the present decision, as a set of actions addressing characteristics and problems that are specific to mountain ecosystems; 
2.Underlining the sovereign rights and responsibilities of countries over their mountains and mountain biodiversity, notes that Parties should implement the programme of work on mountain biological diversity in the context of their national and subnational priorities and needs.  Inclusion of an activity in the work programme does not mean relevance of that activity to all Parties; 
Operational Retired Superseded Parties
3.Invites Parties to identify priority actions among the actions recommended in the programme of work depending on the particular national or local conditions and urges Parties to incorporate them into their national biodiversity strategies and action plans, as well as national programmes and activities on the implementation of regional mountain conventions and initiatives, and implement them taking into account the ecosystem approach so as to contribute to the significant reduction of the rate of mountain biological diversity loss by 2010 and as a contribution to poverty reduction and to the benefit of indigenous and local communities dependent on mountains;
Operational Retired Superseded Parties Other Government(s) OTHERS
4.Encourages Parties, other Governments and organizations to ensure cross referencing to, and coherence with, the other thematic and cross-cutting programmes of work, including technology transfer, while implementing this programme of work;
Operational Retired Superseded Parties
5.Invites Parties to adopt outcome-oriented targets for mountain biodiversity, taking into account the Strategic Plan of the Convention, the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation, the Plan of Implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable Development, the Millennium Development Goals and in conjunction with actions 2.1.5 and 3.2.2 of this programme of work;
6.Agrees  that, in undertaking the implementation of the programme of work, Parties, other Governments, international organizations, civil society organizations and others should take into account the knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities and ensure their participation in  conservation and sustainable use of mountain biological diversity, in accordance with Article 8(j) and related provisions of the Convention;
Operational Active Government(s) OTHERS
7.Recognizes the need for resources, human, technological and financial capacity, to implement effectively the activities in the programme of work,  and thus encourages governments and other interested entities to form partnerships to address these needs and urges bilateral and multilateral organizations and processes to provide financial assistance, training and support, where applicable, to developing country Parties, in particular the least developed countries and small island developing States among them, and Parties with economies in transition to assist in the effective implementation of the programme of work;
Operational Retired Implemented Parties Other Government(s) Relevant organizations
8.Invites Parties, other Governments, and relevant organizations to report on implementation of this decision and those parts of the programme of work, which are identified as priorities under national and local conditions pursuant to paragraphs 3 and 5 through, inter alia, their reports submitted to the Conference of the Parties;
Operational Retired Implemented Parties
9. Requests Parties that have not yet done so to submit their thematic reports; 
10.Requests the Executive Secretary to:
Operational Retired Implemented Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity
(a)Develop, in collaboration with Parties and relevant organizations, proposals on a small number of global outcome-oriented targets, timeframes in relation to the 2010 target, ways and means for implementation, and indicators at the regional, national and local levels for consideration at a meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice prior to the eighth meeting of the Conference of the Parties;
Operational Retired Implemented Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity
(b)Compile information received from Parties, other Governments and relevant organizations and bodies, on the implementation of the programme of work, and analyse progress made towards the achievement of a significant reduction in the rate of mountain biodiversity loss by 2010;
Operational Retired Implemented Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity
(c)Assist the Parties in implementing the programme of work through, inter alia, the supporting activities defined in the programme of work, and the development, in collaboration with relevant organizations, of proposals for global and, where appropriate, regional targets or expected measurable outputs with timeframes and main actors; and 
Operational Active Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity
(d)Regularly gather information on the characteristics and problems that are specific to mountain biological diversity listed in paragraph 8 of the programme of work;
Operational Active Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity
(e)In collaboration with relevant conventions and organizations, collect, review, evaluate and share, through the Clearing-house Mechanism and other means, existing information about the role of mountain ecosystems in producing and maintaining freshwater resources, and about the consequences of climate change and desertification on mountain biological diversity;
Operational Retired Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity
(f)With the assistance of the Global Taxonomy Initiative Co-ordination Mechanism to develop and incorporate activities and targets appropriate to mountain ecosystems within the GTI programme of work for consideration at SBSTTA-11, taking into account the COP-7 decision on targets.
Operational Active Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity
11.Further requests the Executive Secretary to strengthen collaboration with other organizations, institutions and conventions, as a way to streamline many of the activities contained in the programme of work; promote synergies and avoid unnecessary duplications; 
Operational Retired Implemented Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity
12.Notes that the notes by the Executive Secretary on status and trends of, and threats to, mountain biological diversity (UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/8/5), and on measures taken for the conservation and sustainable use of mountain biological diversity (UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/8/6), can be a basis for the identification of priorities for early action, and recognizes that the relative importance of threats, and their underlying causes will vary by region and country, and, accordingly, requests the Executive Secretary to update this information as part of the reviews of the implementation of the thematic programmes of work in collaboration with Parties and relevant organizations, in particular the Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment among others, and making use of all available information;
Operational Active Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity
13.Emphasizes the importance of mountain biodiversity for livelihoods, and therefore requests the Executive Secretary to compile and disseminate information linking mountain biodiversity to sustainable development and poverty alleviation, and examples of successful collaboration between mountain dwellers and communities living in areas adjacent to mountains in form of incentives for mountain dwellers (as a way to illustrate the “upland-lowland contract”);
Operational Active Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity
14.Recognizing the value of traditional and sustainable land use practices of indigenous and local communities in preserving mountain biodiversity, requests the Executive Secretary to collect and disseminate relevant information contributed by these communities through the clearing-house mechanism and other means;
Operational Active OTHERS
15.Reminds Parties of Article 20 of the Convention and invites the developed country Parties to further enhance the provision of additional financial resources and transfer of technology to enable developing country Parties and Parties with economies in transition to implement the programme of work on mountain biological diversity;
Conference of the Parties (COP)

Seventh Ordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity
9 - 20 February, 2004
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Decision document
Mountain biological diversity
Proposals on the Retirement of Decisions Taken by the Conference of the Parties at Its Seventh Meeting
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