Notification 2005-100

I have the honour to invite you to comment on the invasive alien species profile schema document which contains some of the major schema components in Appendix 1, and to suggest additional improvements with a view to facilitate its widest possible adoption. Your comments will be compiled and presented at a meeting, to be held prior to the eighth Conference of the Parties and subject to available funds, to review the schema document.

Dear Madam/Sir, Reference is made to notification no. 2005-060 dated 17 May 2005 (Ref.: SCBD/I&O/CHM/MS/47639) on paragraph 25 of decision VI/23* where the Conference of the Parties called on Parties, countries and relevant organizations to contribute to the creation and maintenance of a global invasive species information network to (a) ensure effective international cooperation and expertise sharing; (b) provide information to assist countries to perform effective risk analysis; (c) provide information on potential pathway of alien invasive species; and (d) provide support for management and control efforts, particularly for locating technical support for rapid response activities. In support of the above, the Government of the United States of America has generously made funds available for the development of an invasive alien species profile schema to assist in the establishment of the invasive alien species information network. I have the honour to invite you to comment on the invasive alien species profile schema document which contains some of the major schema components in Appendix 1, and to suggest additional improvements with a view to facilitate its widest possible adoption. Your comments will be compiled and presented at a meeting, to be held prior to the eighth Conference of the Parties and subject to available funds, to review the schema document. To comment on the schema document and to download the schemas, please go to the Convention’s website at: (login: ias password: ias2). ____________________________________________________________________________ * One representative entered a formal objection during the process leading to the adoption of this decision and underlined that he did not believe that the Conference of the Parties could legitimatly adopt a motion or a text with a formal objection in place. A few representatives expressed reservations regarding the procedure leading to the adoption of this decision (see UNEP/CBD/COP/6/20, paras. 294-324).

Executive Secretary

To: SBSTTA and CHM National Focal Points


Subject(s): Invasive Alien Species, Clearing-House Mechanisms

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