Notification 2010-178

Free train transportation upon arrival and departure for MOP-5 and COP-10 Participants

Dear Madam/Sir, I am pleased to inform you that the Aichi-Nagoya COP 10 CBD Promotion Committee will provide COP-MOP-5 and COP-10 participants with free round trip train tickets for Meitetsu Airport Line which runs between the Central Japan International Airport (Centrair Station) and Nagoya City (Meitetsu Nagoya and Meitetsu Kanayama stations). The free tickets will be available for second class cabins only – please note that there is no reserved seating system for this class. Should you wish to have a reserved seat or travel via the μSky Limited Express a surcharge of JPY 350 is applicable which must be paid by participants (for train information, see Please be advised that the journey takes about 45 minutes. Participants are invited to apply for the free tickets by sending an e mail to Aichi-Nagoya CBD COP 10 Accommodation Centre (CAC), at with the following information: 1. Name 2. Telephone number 3. Arrival information [Date, Time, Flight Number] 4. Departure information [Date, Time, Flight Number] 5. Boarding Station to Centrair from KANAYAMA or NAGOYA After receiving your information, the CAC will provide you with two coupons that will be exchanged upon arrival for the train tickets. Upon arrival at Centrair station, please present the arrival coupon at the Welcome Desk at the airport to obtain your ticket to Nagoya City. Upon departure, you are requested to present the return coupon at the Welcome Desk at either Kanayama or Nagoya stations to obtain your return train ticket to the airport. Please accept, Madam/Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Executive Secretary

To: All CBD, CPB Focal Points, International Organizations, NGOs, ILCs


Subject(s): Conference of the Parties, Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety