Notification 2016-061

Peer review of the draft guidelines, including draft reporting templates, and the draft resource manual for the sixth national report

Dear Madam/Sir, In response to recommendation 1/10 of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation, I am writing to invite you to participate in the peer review of the draft reporting guidelines, templates and resource manual for the sixth national reports. In the same recommendation, the Executive Secretary was also requested to make the draft reporting guidelines, templates and resource manual available to the secretariats of other biodiversity-related conventions and to the Liaison Group of biodiversity-related conventions for their input on potential synergies in reporting. In response to these requests, the draft reporting guidelines, templates and resource manual for the sixth national reports have been made available for peer review until 1 July 2016. The drafts can be accessed from the What’s New section of the web pages on national reports ( The guidelines and reporting templates are available in all United Nations languages. The resource manual is currently available in English but will be made available in all United Nations languages once it has been finalized. Comments, preferably in tracked changes or as comments inserted in the documents, should be sent to Following the peer review, the draft reporting guidelines, templates and resource manual will be revised and made available for consideration by the Conference of the Parties at its thirteenth meeting.

Executive Secretary

To: CBD National Focal Points and SBSTTA Focal Points, Secretariats of other Biodiversity-related Conventions and Liaison Group of Biodiversity-related Conventions


Action required by 2016-07-01

Subject(s): National Reports

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