Notification 2017-012

Invitation to participate in and/or contribute to the piloting and further development of a methodology for the voluntary peer review mechanism for national biodiversity strategies and action plans (NBSAPs)

Dear Madam/Sir, As you may know, paragraph 2 of decision XIII/25, states that the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity takes note of the progress made in the development of a voluntary peer review mechanism, especially the development of a draft methodology for the review, and requests the Executive Secretary, subject to the availability of resources, to facilitate the further testing, and development of the methodology, including its application through a pilot phase, and to report on progress, including information on the cost of the pilot phase, to the Subsidiary Body on Implementation at its second meeting. Pursuant to this decision, I am pleased to invite Parties to contribute to this process by participating as an NBSAP reviewee or by nominating an NBSAP reviewer. Parties are also encouraged to participate in this process by providing financial support for the further testing and development of the methodology, including its applications through a pilot phase. NBSAP reviewee The eligibility of Parties to undergo a review will be based on the following criteria: (a) evidence of high-level government support for the voluntary peer-review process; (b) submission of the latest national report; (c) adoption of the latest NBSAP as a policy document or an advanced draft of an NBSAP or policy equivalents, under revision; (d) willingness to contribute to in-country costs of the review. Nominations should be accompanied by duly filled form (see Appendix 1). NBSAP reviewers Nominations for participating as a reviewer should indicate experience in working on biodiversity management and implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity, either within or in partnership with their national government. Preference will be given to nominees with experience in project monitoring and/or evaluation. Reviewers, in their individual capacity, will conduct the review of one or more countries and contribute to the further improvement of the methodology. Nominations should be accompanied by a curriculum vitae. Based on the guidelines provided above, Parties wishing to contribute to the voluntary peer review mechanism are kindly requested to inform the Secretariat as soon as possible but no later than 24 March 2017. Please note that all documents related to the methodology for the voluntary peer review mechanisms for NBSAPs is now available at: I look forward to your participation in this process and thank you for your continued support of the work of the Convention. Please accept, Madam/Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Deputy Executive Secretary and Officer-in-Charge

To: CBD National Focal Points


Action required by 2017-03-24

Subject(s): National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs)

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