Notification 2017-056

Submission of Information on Invasive Alien Species Management

Dear Madam/Sir, The purpose of this notification is to invite Parties, other Governments, relevant organizations and indigenous peoples and local communities to submit information on invasive alien species, pursuant to the requests of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity in its decision XIII/13 ( Considering these requests, I would like to seek information on: (a) Addressing the risks associated with trade in wildlife, invasive alien species sold via e-commerce, and invasive alien species moving with sea containers; (b) Risk analysis on biological control agents; © Decision support tools for management of invasive alien species; and (d) The progress on the achievement of Aichi Biodiversity Target 9. To facilitate the compilation of the information relevant to the issues referred to above, the Secretariat has created an online survey available at the following link: Accordingly, I would like to invite Parties, other Governments, relevant organizations and indigenous peoples and local communities to take part in the survey and complete it as soon as possible and no later than 30 September 2017. The information submitted through the survey will be disseminated through the clearing-house mechanism of the Convention and synthesized, as appropriate, for consideration by expert meetings and the twenty-second meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice to take place in 2-7 July 2018. Please accept, Madam/Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Executive Secretary

To: CBD National Focal Points, SBSTTA Focal Points, Inter-Agency Liaison Group on Invasive Alien Species, World Customs Organization, indigenous peoples and local communities, other relevant organizations and partners


Action required by 2017-09-30

Subject(s): Invasive Alien Species

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