Notification 2023-018

Invitation to attend a webinar to provide information on the process of developing a new programme of work and institutional arrangements on Article 8(j) and other provisions of the Convention related to indigenous peoples and local communities

Dear Madam/Sir, I am pleased to invite Parties, other Governments, indigenous peoples and local communities, and stakeholders to attend a webinar informing on the process of developing a new programme of work and institutional arrangements on Article 8(j) and other provisions of the Convention related to indigenous peoples and local communities, to be held on 7 March 2023, at 8:00 - 9:30 a.m. Montreal time (UTC-5). The webinar aims to clarify the rationale, objectives and methodology of the approaching negotiations for the new programme of work and possible institutional arrangements and their modus operandi on Article 8(j) and other provisions of the Convention for indigenous peoples and local communities in the context of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. During the webinar, a summary of relevant decisions of the Conference of the Parties at its fifteenth meeting will be presented, focusing on the peer-review process for annex II of decision 15/10, annex I of the same decision, the Ad-Hoc Technical Expert Group on the new programme of work and institutional arrangements, and next steps. The webinar will be conducted in English, with interpretation available in Spanish and French. Additional information, including the provisional agenda, can be found at this webpage. Interested participants can register by clicking here. I look forward to your active participation in the webinar and thank you for your continued support to the work of the Convention. Please accept, Madam/Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Acting Executive Secretary

To: CBD National Focal Points, SBSTTA Focal Points, TK Focal Points, indigenous peoples and local communities, and relevant organizations


Subject(s): Traditional Knowledge, Innovations and Practices

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