Impact Assessment

Case-Study Details

Main Information
Title Assessing biodiversity impacts of trade: a review of challenges in the agriculture sector
Type of Information Scientific paper
Description Agricultural expansion is a major driver for loss of biodiversity; changes in land use or intensity associated with trade liberalisation can therefore have major consequences. Assessments of the impacts of agricultural trade have tended to neglect biodiversity, despite its crucial role in maintaining productive agro-ecosystems. Advice on assessment of biodiversity impacts is required to support trade negotiations and reduce risks of unforeseen consequences for important biodiver-sity and those who depend on it for their livelihoods. This paper explores linkages between biodiversity and trade and draws on examples from the agriculture sector to reinforce the need to build a biodiversity-inclusive process for as-sessing impacts of trade policies and agreements.
Web Link /impact/case-studies/cs-impact-iapa24-4-treweek-etal-2006-en.pdf
Additional Information
Authors Jo Treweek; Claire Brown; Philip Bubb
Reference / Citation Treweek, J.R.; Brown, C.; Bubb, P. 2006. Assessing biodiversity impacts of trade: a review of challenges in the agriculture sector. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, Volume 24, Number 4, 1 December 2006, pp. 299-309(11).
Programme Areas Agricultural Biodiversity
Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures
Sustainable Use of Biodiversity
Ecosystem Approach
Regions Global