Ecosystem Restoration


The Global Partnership on Forest and Landscape Restoration (GPFLR): a proactive network of governments and organizations with the purpose of catalyzing and reinforcing a network of diverse examples of restoration of forests and degraded lands that deliver benefits to local communities and to nature, and fulfil international commitments on forests.

The GPFLR Learning Network: a platform to connect forest and landscape restoration practitioners worldwide, to exchange experiences and ideas on how forests, trees and their functions can effectively be restored.

Landscapes for People, Food and Nature: a collaborative initiative to foster cross-sectoral dialogue, learning and action. The partners involved aim to understand and support integrated agricultural landscape approaches to simultaneously meet goals for food production, ecosystem health and human wellbeing.

Partners And Reforestation in the Tropics: a Network for Education, Research and Synthesis (PARTNERS): a network that brings natural and social scientists together to address the complexity of socio-ecological processes that shape tropical reforestation.

NBSAP Forum: a forum that provides support for action and implementation on National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) through 2020.

E-learning curricula on the Programme of Work on Protected Areas: learning modules and related sub-regional technical support network.