Synthetic Biology

Open-ended Online Forum

20 - 31 March 2023


In decision 15/31, the Conference of the Parties (COP) established a process for broad and regular horizon scanning, monitoring and assessment of the most recent developments in synthetic biology. This process should consist of (a) Information gathering; (b) Compilation, organization and synthesis of information; (c) Assessment and (d) Reporting on outcomes.

Likewise, the COP decided that the trends in new technological developments in synthetic biology identified by the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Synthetic Biology and the multidisciplinary Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group will inform the horizon scanning, monitoring and assessment of the following intersessional period, and requested the Executive Secretary to convene online discussions of the Open-Ended Online Forum on Synthetic Biology to gather information that will inform the work of the multidisciplinary Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group (AHTEG) and support the overall process. 

The outcomes of the multidisciplinary AHTEG will be submitted to the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice for their review of the effectiveness of the process and make recommendations to COP.

In response to these requests, the Secretariat would like to convene the Open-Ended Online Forum on Synthetic Biology from 20 to 31 March 2023 to begin collecting information to support the overall process and the work of the multidisciplinary AHTEG.

The forum will be moderated by: Dr. Martin Cannell, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

The forum opened at 12:00PM (noon) on Monday, 20 March 2023, Montreal time (Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)).

The forum closed at 17:00 (5pm) on Friday, 31 March 2023, Montreal time (Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)).

Topic 1: Trends within the field of synthetic biology

In their report, the 2019 AHTEG on Synthetic Biology identified an non-exhaustive list of trends that could inform the process for broad and regular horizon scanning, monitoring and assessment. Thus, to inform the work of the multidisciplinary AHTEG, participants are kindly requested to provide information on the trends identified, their relevance and when applications are likely to be available under these areas.

The following questions are meant to guide the discussion. Participants are encouraged to consider them when intervening, for their potential to facilitate a systematic analysis of the information.

1) If possible, for each of the trends identified by the AHTEG provide the following information:

a) What are some examples of near-future applications? And what is the timeframe for release of the applications, either for research or commercialization (0 to 5 years; 5 to 10 years; 10+ years)?

b) What could be potential positive and the potential negative impacts vis-à-vis the three objectives of the Convention arising from such applications?

2. Are there any trends that were not identified by the AHTEG that should also be considered?

When posting this information, participants are requested to provide their source of information, indicating if it is coming from a publication, their own work, or other type of source. When sharing publications, it is kindly requested that the URL and DOI links be provided.

Forum closed. No more comments will be accepted on this forum.

Topic 2: Points to consider for carrying out the process for broad and regular horizon scanning, monitoring and assessment of most recent technological developments on synthetic biology

When establishing the process, the COP specified that the process for broad and regular horizon scanning, monitoring and assessment should consist of the following steps:

(a) Information gathering;

(b) Compilation, organization and synthesis of information;

(c) Assessment; and

(d) Reporting on outcomes.

Thus, participants are kindly invited to share their views on the methodologies that could be used for the overall process, as well as any experience they may have in performing similar processes.

The following questions are meant to guide the discussion. Participants are encouraged to consider them when intervening, for their potential to facilitate a systematic analysis of the information.

1) What particular points should be considered when carrying out each of the steps specified by the COP for the process for broad and regular horizon scanning, monitoring and assessment?

2) Share information on methodologies and approaches that have been used for other horizon scanning processes that you believe could be useful for the horizon scanning on synthetic biology under the CBD and provide examples if possible.

When posting this information, participants are requested to provide their source of information, indicating if it is coming from a publication, their own work, or other type of source. When sharing publications, it is kindly requested that the URL and DOI links be provided.

Forum closed. No more comments will be accepted on this forum.