Country Profiles

Botswana - Country Profile

The national targets (or equivalent) presented in this database are taken from the NBSAPs received since COP-10, fifth national reports or from documents submitted separately. The mapping of national targets to the Aichi Biodiversity Targets by the Party concerned is indicated in the last column “Related Aichi Target(s)”. All Parties are encouraged to undertake this mapping exercise and to submit this information to SCBD for incorporation in this database.

Reference Target Related Strategic Goals/Aichi Targets
National Target 1 By 2025, all people in Botswana appreciate how biodiversity contributes to their lives, and are aware of steps they can take to conserve and use it sustainably. 1
National Target 2 By 2025, planning processes at all (district, urban and national) levels, and national accounting and reporting systems in Botswana contain explicit actions to promote biodiversity conservation. 2
National Target 3 By 2025, incentives and subsidies across all sectors are revised, designed or introduced to improve support for sustainable consumption and production and promote biodiversity conservation. 3
National Target 4 By 2025, at all levels, policy and regulatory instruments are in place to ensure production and consumption by government, industry and society are kept within sustainable levels and safe ecological limits. 4
National Target 5 By 2025, the rate of natural land conversion is at least halved, and degradation and fragmentation are significantly reduced. 5
National Target 6 By 2025, animal and plant resources in Botswana’s wetlands, woodlands and savannas are sustainably managed using the ecosystem approach, so that the impacts of harvesting remain within safe ecological limits. 6
National Target 7 By 2025, wetlands, woodlands and savannas, particularly where used for use for range or crops, are managed sustainably, ensuring conservation of biodiversity. 7
National Target 8 By 2025, levels of air, water and soil pollution are maintained below levels that would threaten ecosystem functioning and biodiversity. 8
National Target 9 By 2025, key invasive alien species are identified and controlled or eradicated, and pathways for their spread are managed to prevent further introduction and establishment. 9
National Target 10 By 2025, the anthropogenic pressures on wetlands, woodlands and savannas are minimised, so that the impacts of climate change and other external perturbations on their ecological integrity and functioning can be managed. 10
National Target 11 By 2025, at least 25 percent of all Botswana’s ecoregions, particularly the wetlands, rivers and pans in them, are effectively conserved through an ecosystem approach that integrates their management with that of the surrounding landscapes and involves resident communities. 11
National Target 12 By 2025, the conservation status of species in Botswana that are listed as threatened has been improved or sustained. 12
National Target 13 By 2025, the genetic resources of traditional agricultural species and their wild relatives are protected, and strategies for minimizing genetic erosion and safeguarding their genetic diversity have been implemented. 13
National Target 14 By 2025, ecosystem services are identified and restored or maintained in all Botswana’s ecoregions, and contribute to livelihood improvement through strategies that enable equitable access by all vulnerable groups, including women, the poor and local communities. 14
National Target 15 By 2025, ecosystem integrity in all Botswana’s ecoregions will be conserved through the adoption of ecosystem-level management approaches built around key ecological processes, so that they contribute to climate change mitigation and to combating desertification. 15
National Target 16 By 2025, the Nagoya Protocol is domesticated and operational, and specific actions that ensure fair and equitable access and benefit sharing are implemented. 16
National Target 17 By 2015, Botswana’s revised NBSAP has commenced implementation with the full support of all sectors and levels of governance. 17
National Target 18 By 2025, the indigenous knowledge of Botswana’s various communities, as it relates to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in all the country’s ecoregions, will be documented, assessed and legally protected, and - where relevant - integrated into programmes and projects supporting biodiversity conservation. 18
National Target 19 By 2025, information and techniques relating to the biodiversity and its value in all Botswana’s ecoregions are efficiently documented, stored, shared, disseminated and used by all sectors and levels of society. 19
National Target 20 By 2017, at least 80% of the required budget for the revised NBSAP, generated from diverse sources, is made available for its implementation. 20