Country Profiles

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - Country Profile

The national targets (or equivalent) presented in this database are taken from the NBSAPs received since COP-10, fifth national reports or from documents submitted separately. The mapping of national targets to the Aichi Biodiversity Targets by the Party concerned is indicated in the last column “Related Aichi Target(s)”. All Parties are encouraged to undertake this mapping exercise and to submit this information to SCBD for incorporation in this database.

Reference Target Related Strategic Goals/Aichi Targets
Outcome 1 (England) By 2020, we will have put in place measures so that biodiversity is maintained and enhanced, further degradation has been halted and where possible, restoration is underway, helping deliver more resilient and coherent ecological networks, healthy and well-functioning ecosystems, which deliver multiple benefits for wildlife and people, including: (1A-1D below)
Outcome 1A (England) Better wildlife habitats with 90% of priority habitats in favourable or recovering condition and at least 50% of SSSIs in favourable condition, while maintaining at least 95% in favourable or recovering condition
Outcome 1B (England) More, bigger and less fragmented areas for wildlife, with no net loss of priority habitat and an increase in the overall extent of priority habitats by at least 200,000 ha
Outcome 1C (England) By 2020, at least 17% of land and inland water, especially areas of particular importance for biodiversity and ecosystem services, conserved through effective, integrated and joined up approaches to safeguard biodiversity and ecosystem services including through management of our existing systems of protected areas and the establishment of nature improvement areas
Outcome 1D (England) Restoring at least 15% of degraded ecosystems as a contribution to climate change mitigation and adaptation
Outcome 2 (England) By 2020, we will have put in place measures so that biodiversity is maintained, further degradation has been halted and where possible, restoration is underway, helping deliver good environmental status and our vision of clean, healthy, safe productive and biologically diverse oceans and seas. This will be underpinned by the following: (2A-2C)
Outcome 2A (England) By the end of 2016, in excess of 25% of English waters will be contained in a well managed Marine Protected Area network that helps deliver ecological coherence by conserving representative marine habitats
Outcome 2B (England) By 2020 we will be managing and harvesting fish sustainably
Outcome 2C (England) By 2022, we will have marine plans in place covering the whole of England’s marine area, ensuring the sustainable development of our seas, integrating economic growth, social need and ecosystem management
Outcome 3 (England) By 2020, we will see an overall improvement in the status of our wildlife and will have prevented further human induced extinctions of known threatened species.
Outcome 4 (England) By 2020, significantly more people will be engaged in biodiversity issues, aware of its value and taking positive action.
Priority action 1.1 (England) Establish more coherent and resilient ecological networks on land that safeguard ecosystem services for the benefit of wildlife and people.
Priority action 1.2 (England) Establish and effectively manage an ecologically coherent network of marine protected areas which covers in excess of 25% of English waters by the end of 2016, and which contributes to the UK’s achievement of Good Environmental Status under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive
Priority action 1.3 (England) Take targeted action for the recovery of priority species, whose conservation is not delivered through wider habitat-based and ecosystem measures.
Priority action 1.4 (England) Ensure that ‘agricultural’ genetic diversity is conserved and enhanced wherever appropriate.
Priority action 2.1 (England) Work with the biodiversity partnership to engage significantly more people in biodiversity issues, increase awareness of the value of biodiversity and increase the number of people taking positive action.
Priority action 2.2 (England) Promote taking better account of the values of biodiversity in public and private sector decision-making, including by providing tools to help consider a wider range of ecosystem services.
Priority action 2.3 (England) Develop new and innovative financing mechanisms to direct more funding towards the achievement of biodiversity outcomes.
Priority action 3.1 (England) Improve the delivery of environmental outcomes from agricultural land management practices, whilst increasing food production.
Priority action 3.2 (England) Reform the Common Agricultural Policy to achieve greater environmental benefits.
Priority action 3.3 (England) Bring a greater proportion of our existing woodlands into sustainable management and expand the area of woodland in England.
Priority action 3.4 (England) Through reforms of the planning system, take a strategic approach to planning for nature within and across local areas. This approach will guide development to the best locations, encourage greener design and enable development to enhance natural networks. We will retain the protection and improvement of the natural environment as core objectives of the planning system.
Priority action 3.5 (England) Establish a new, voluntary approach to biodiversity offsets and test our approach in pilot areas.
Priority action 3.6 (England) Align measures to protect the water environment with action for biodiversity, including through the river basin planning approach under the EU Water Framework Directive.
Priority action 3.7 (England) Continue to promote approaches to flood and erosion management which conserve the natural environment and improve biodiversity.
Priority action 3.8 (England) Reform the water abstraction regime. The new regime will provide clearer signals to abstractors to make the necessary investments to meet water needs and protect ecosystem functioning. We will also take steps to tackle the legacy of unsustainable abstraction more efficiently.
Priority action 3.9 (England) Develop 10 Marine Plans which integrate economic, social and environmental considerations, and which will guide decision-makers when making any decision that affects, or might affect, a marine area. This action in England is part of the UK vision for ‘clean, healthy, safe, productive and biologically diverse oceans and seas’.
Priority action 3.10 (England) Implement actions and reforms to ensure fisheries management directly supports the achievement of wider environmental objectives, including the achievement of Good Environmental Status under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.
Priority action 3.11 (England) Reduce air pollution impacts on biodiversity through approaches at national, UK, EU and international levels targeted at the sectors which are the source of the relevant pollutants (nitrogen oxides, ozone, sulphur dioxide, ammonia).
Priority action 3.12 (England) Continue to implement the Invasive Non-Native Species Framework Strategy for Great Britain.
Priority action 4.1 (England) Work collaboratively across Defra and the relevant agencies to direct research investment within Government to areas of highest priority to deliver the outcomes and priorities set out in this strategy, and in partnership with the Research Councils and other organizations in the UK and Europe to build the evidence base.
Priority action 4.2 (England) Put robust, reliable and more co-ordinated arrangements in place, to monitor changes in the state of biodiversity and also the flow of benefits and services it provides us, to ensure that we can assess the outcomes of this strategy.
Priority action 4.3 (England) Improve public access to biodiversity data and other environmental information – putting power into the hands of people to act and hold others to account. Also communicate progress towards the outcomes and priorities of this strategy and make available information to support decision-making at a range of scales to help others contribute to the outcomes (more detail is set out in chapter 3).
2020 Outcome (Scotland) Engaging people 1, 17
2020 Outcome (Scotland) Empowering people 1
2020 Outcome (Scotland) Ecosystems are restored to good health 5, 10, 14, 15
2020 Outcome (Scotland) Valuing Natural Capital 2, 3, 4, 18, 19
2020 Outcome (Scotland) Efficient resource use 4
2020 Outcome (Scotland) Sustainable economic growth 2, 3, 4
2020 Outcome (Scotland) Investing in Natural Capital 20
2020 Outcome (Scotland) Improved health and quality of life 1
2020 Outcome (Scotland) Quality and quantity of our wildlife is improving and flourishing 7, 9, 12, 13, 14
2020 Outcome (Scotland) Sustainable land and water management 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14
2020 Outcome (Scotland) Clean and healthy seas 8, 10
2020 Outcome (Scotland) Clean, healthy, safe, productive and biologically diverse seas 4, 6, 14, 15
Healthy Ecosystems (Northern Ireland) Create a more integrated ecosystem approach to terrestrial, marine and freshwater conservation to help safeguard ecosystem services.
Number 1 (Northern Ireland) Develop a biodiversity screening tool to include guidance and appropriate training to ensure Government policy is proofed for its effects on biodiversity 2, 4
Number 2 (Northern Ireland) Publish an Agricultural Land Use Strategy which includes a commitment to balanced environmental outcomes 1, 2, 17
Number 3 (Northern Ireland) Review the Strategic Planning Policy Statement to ensure that measures to promote biodiversity remain appropriate 1, 2, 17
Number 4 (Northern Ireland) Publish the Rural Development Programme 4, 7
Number 5 (Northern Ireland) Develop and introduce an Agri-Environment Climate Programme, comprising an Environmental Farming Scheme and a Land Management Programme, as part of the Northern Ireland Rural Development Programme (NIRDP) 4, 7, 15
Number 6 (Northern Ireland) Review the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) (Agriculture) (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2007 2, 4, 7
Number 7 (Northern Ireland) Finalise Flood Risk Management Plan based on River Basin Districts 8, 14
Number 8 (Northern Ireland) End the practice of discarding unwanted fish quota species; support highly selective gear trials and adoption of new technology through EMFF; and introduce appropriate monitoring, enforcement and control measures in line with regional and local plans 6, 7
Number 9 (Northern Ireland) Contribute to UK policy on developing regionally agreed discard plans, multi-annual plans to deliver maximum sustainable yields and discard reduction targets 6, 7
Number 10 (Northern Ireland) Expand a wide range of forest types and area of broadleaf trees from 8% to 12% of Northern Ireland land area 7
Number 11 (Northern Ireland) Make 30% of direct payment (Pillar 1) support to farmers as a greening payment in respect of crop diversification, retention of permanent grassland and the establishment of ecological focus areas as required by EU CAP 20
Number 12 (Northern Ireland) Publish a Marine Plan for consultation to assist the management of Northern Ireland’s waters 1, 18
Number 13 (Northern Ireland) Develop a programme of measures to achieve Good Environmental Status as required by the Marine Strategy Framework Directive 10, 14
Number 14 (Northern Ireland) Implement the programme of measures to achieve Good Environmental Status as required by the Marine Strategy Framework Directive 10, 14
Number 15 (Northern Ireland) Undertake two reviews of the lists of priority species and habitats as required by the WANE Act 5, 11
Number 16 (Northern Ireland) Deliver peatland and wetland habitat restoration around the Lough Neagh Basin “Futurescape” through support for “Rebuilding the Countryside Programme for 2015/16” 14, 15
Number 17 (Northern Ireland) Develop projects to refurbish Blue Circle Island and Green Island in Larne Lough and Carlingford Lough SPAs to ensure favourable condition 11, 14, 15
Number 18 (Northern Ireland) Review the implementation of the Sustainable Development Strategy to identify recommendations for the effective mainstreaming of sustainable development in Executive Departments 1, 2, 4, 8
Healthy Ecosystems (Northern Ireland) Complete the statutory designation programmes, subject to scientific evidence and resources, and manage designated sites to achieve favourable conservation status.
Number 19 (Northern Ireland) Complete the MCZ designation process 5, 6, 11, 12
Number 20 (Northern Ireland) Complete the SAC and SPA designation programmes 5, 6, 11, 12
Number 21 (Northern Ireland) Complete 95% of the identification and selection of nationally important terrestrial sites 5, 6, 11, 12
Number 22 (Northern Ireland) Maintain a risk-based programme of ASSI designation 5, 6, 11, 12
Number 23 (Northern Ireland) Develop habitat maps for all cross-border sites 11, 14, 15, 17
Number 24 (Northern Ireland) Develop approaches for knowledge exchange, expertise development and quality assurance 18, 19, 20
Number 25 (Northern Ireland) Develop management plans for all SACs 11, 14, 15, 17
Number 26 (Northern Ireland) Protection, enhancement and management of 4,400 hectares of designated land for biodiversity benefit 5, 7, 11
Number 27 (Northern Ireland) Management of the remaining 5,900 hectares of non-designated land to maintain and enhance priority habitats and species 5, 7, 11
Addressing Adverse Pressure (Northern Ireland) Reduce direct pressures to help safeguard biodiversity
Number 28 (Northern Ireland) Implement the Water Framework Directive through delivery of second cycle River Basin Management Plans (2016-2021) 10, 14
Number 29 (Northern Ireland) Consider the outcome of the consultation on Biodiversity Offsetting carried out by Defra and decide on the way forward in Northern Ireland 1, 2
Number 30 (Northern Ireland) Establish a cross-border data hub for recording information on targeted sites 18, 19
Number 31 (Northern Ireland) Contribute to an all-Ireland pollination plan 2015-2022 1, 2, 19
Number 32 (Northern Ireland) Report on progress on the Invasive Species Strategy Implementation Plan and undertake a review of its associated actions 9, 10
Number 33 (Northern Ireland) Develop and introduce new legislation to prevent the introduction of invasive species with a high impact on biodiversity. 9, 10
Number 34 (Northern Ireland) Implement measures in the Environmental Farming Scheme within the NIRDP to control non-native plant and animal species 9
Addressing Adverse Pressure (Northern Ireland) Work towards meeting the 2025 target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 35%, based on 1990 levels
Number 35 (Northern Ireland) Report on progress on Implementation of the Greenhouse Gas reduction plan 10, 15
Number 36 (Northern Ireland) Publish a revised adaption programme to address climate change risks 10, 15
Number 37 (Northern Ireland) Identify options to lower ammonia and associated nitrogen emissions to meet UK targets 15
Prosperity and Well-being (Northern Ireland) Promote the natural environment for the wider benefits which biodiversity provides and encourage better management of biodiversity by a wide range of stakeholders.
Number 38 (Northern Ireland) Develop actions within Prosperity Agreements, where appropriate, that enhance biodiversity 1, 2, 4, 20
Number 39 (Northern Ireland) Implement the recommendations of the Outdoor Recreation Action Plan, including a review of existing legislation, to increase public enjoyment and understanding of land and seascapes 4, 11, 14, 15, 19, 20
Number 40 (Northern Ireland) Embed outdoor recreation into all AONB management plans 4, 11, 14, 15, 19, 20
Number 41 (Northern Ireland) Outdoor learning established and embedded into Teacher Training Programmes 4, 11, 14, 15, 19, 20
Number 42 (Northern Ireland) Develop a Land, Outdoors and Nature Strategy for Northern Ireland 1, 7, 11
Engaging Society and Developing Partnerships (Northern Ireland) Engage widely across society to benefit biodiversity and achieve greater resource efficiency
Number 43 (Northern Ireland) Positive management of 700 hectares of land for biodiversity benefit 3, 5, 7, 8, 14, 15
Number 44 (Northern Ireland) Publish guidance to assist public bodies to comply with the Biodiversity Duty 1, 2, 17, 18, 19
Number 45 (Northern Ireland) Deliver grassland conservation training to over 500 landowners 18, 19
Number 46 (Northern Ireland) Implement the Business and Biodiversity Charter to promote environmental standards across business interests 17, 18, 19, 20
Number 47 (Northern Ireland) Review Local Biodiversity Action Plans to assist in the promotion and conservation of biodiversity at a local level 1, 2, 18
Number 48 (Northern Ireland) Restore 240 hectares of ancient woodland 11, 12, 13, 14
Number 49 (Northern Ireland) Develop a co-ordinated and integrated mechanism to assist NGOs to bid for external funding on a more strategic and long-term basis 17, 20
Number 50 (Northern Ireland) Increase the number of schools which achieve the internationally recognised standard under the Eco Schools programme from 19% to 50% 1, 2, 18
Number 51 (Northern Ireland) Increase volunteering engagement in biodiversity management to 82,000 hours. 1, 7
Number 52 (Northern Ireland) Increase number of individuals actively involved with citizen science recording projects by 10%. 1, 7, 18
Number 53 (Northern Ireland) Work with DARD, NIEA and land managers to increase populations of certain species in HELP project areas in Fermanagh, Lough Beg and Lough Foyle to demonstrate agri-environment best practice 3, 4, 7
Number 54 (Northern Ireland) Survey of priority species on RSPB nature reserves 19
Engaging Society and Developing Partnerships (Northern Ireland) Implement an integrated approach to data gathering and accessibility of bio/geo diversity evidence and advice to inform better decision making
Number 55 (Northern Ireland) Undertake protected site monitoring 18
Number 56 (Northern Ireland) Initiate Article 12 (Birds Directive) and Article 17 (Habitats Directive) reporting exercise to meet overall EU timescales 20
Number 57 (Northern Ireland) Agree and initiate bio/geo diversity monitoring, mapping and surveillance programmes 20