Country Profiles

Lao People's Democratic Republic - Country Profile

The national targets (or equivalent) presented in this database are taken from the NBSAPs received since COP-10, fifth national reports or from documents submitted separately. The mapping of national targets to the Aichi Biodiversity Targets by the Party concerned is indicated in the last column “Related Aichi Target(s)”. All Parties are encouraged to undertake this mapping exercise and to submit this information to SCBD for incorporation in this database.

Reference Target Related Strategic Goals/Aichi Targets
STRATEGY 1 Protect the country's diverse and economically important ecosystems
Sub Strategy 1.1 Protection of Forest Ecosystems
Target 1.1.1 Achieve National Goal of 70% forest cover of the total national area by 2020. 5
Target 1.1.2 Sustainable commercial forest harvesting and processing operations which would increase rural employment generation are fully enforced in at least 70% of the wood industry and NTFP operations 7
Sub Strategy 1.2 Protecting wetlands and fisheries ecosystems
Target 1.2.1 At least 250 Fish Conservation and breeding sites (that include local/indigenous species) are established and are recognized /supported by stakeholders living in the watersheds where these sites belong. 6
Target 1.2.2 National wetlands strategy in place while management plans with substantive funding are implemented in at least 12 important wetlands sites. 11
Target 1.2.3 Protect water quality and quantity in 10 river basins to meet water quality and quantity standards and to ensure minimum negative impact.
Sub Strategy 1.3 Protecting Agricultural Ecosystems
Target 1.3.1 Agricultural support services (technical assistance, seeds, crop protection, credit, market support, animal husbandry, fisheries, etc.) are provided to pioneering farming communities that apply sustainable production measures. 13
Target 1.3.2 The protection and sustainable use of biodiversity rich agricultural landscapes demonstrated in at least 1 site per province. 8
Target 1.3.3 Agriculture and forestry sector has reduced the use of hazardous agro-chemicals.
Sub Strategy 1.4 Urban Ecosystems
Target 1.4.1 Local development plans in at least 8 provincial capitals including protection and enhancement of the watersheds and ecosystems (forests, wetlands, rivers etc.) that protect them. 14
Target 1.4.2 The waste generation in the municipal areas across the country are reduced.
Sub Strategy 1.5 Protected Areas Management and Species Conservation
Target 1.5.1 Management plans and substantive funding are in place to enforce BD protection in at least 10 NPAs (from existing 2), 5 PPAs, 3 protection forests and 2 corridors. 20
Target 1.5.2 Geographically contiguous village forestry sites are recognized /promoted to form an organic part of 2 BD corridors that would link critical fragmented habitats together. 11
Target 1.5.3 The extinction of at least 5 priority species (to be determined from the Lao Red lists) are effectively prevented through better law enforcement and in situ and ex situ conservation. 12
Target 1.5.4 National Medicinal Plants Preservation and management plans are established, funded and implemented to support primary health care programs in at least one site per province. 13
Target 1.5.5 Improved regulations are enforced and capacities improved to protect plants (including rice) and animals in priority areas from alien species invasion. 9
STRATEGY 2 Integrate the Value of Biodiversity to Socio-Economic Decision Making To Ensure Sustainable Use and Funding
Sub Strategy 2.1 Reflect the real value of biodiversity in development plans
Target 2.1.1 Socio economic contributions of biodiversity resources are considered in planning investments for poverty reduction programs particularly in targeted high poverty incidence areas designated by the GoL Poverty Reduction Program. 2
Target 2.1.2 Mainstream the Integrated Spatial Planning (ISP) in the development of cities and rural areas for sustainable utilization.
Sub Strategy 2.2 Guiding Environmentally Sound Investments
Target 2.2.1 National Investment incentive policies and enforcement measures in at least 10 provinces and in at least 3 sectors are strengthened to encourage the private sector to plan and implement business operations in an environmentally sound manner. 3
Target 2.2.2 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and BD concerns are incorporated in the internal code of conduct (or agreed standard business practices) among companies in at least 5 key industries (energy, agriculture, forestry, tourism and chemical). 4
STRATEGY 3 Strengthen the knowledge base for strategic decision making
Target 3.1.1 Relevant Traditional Knowledge is conserved, and utilized to support biodiversity promotion in at least one site per province, through proactive programs supported by the law on Intellectual property rights. 18
Target 3.1.2 Lao legislation is enacted to reflect requirements under the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) from the use of genetic resources is in place and implementation is piloted in at least 3 selected areas. 16
Target 3.1.3 Expansion of the current clearing house mechanism to provide for regular research based updates on the state of biodiversity trends, good practices and relevant technologies (nationally and globally) for the benefit of national and local decision makers, civil society, business, and the country teams for other conventions. 19
Target 3.1.4 International/regional collaboration is optimized to accelerate the build-up and use of knowledge on the nature of biodiversity resources and relevant good practices. 19
STRATEGY 4 Inspire and Enable actions through better Communication, Education and Public awareness
Target 4.1.1 Key civil service personnel from key agencies demonstrate improved knowledge and skills in biodiversity planning and implementation. 1
Target 4.1.2 Increased public awareness on the value of biodiversity among the general public and targeted stakeholder groups including those in 24NPAs. 1
Target 4.1.3 The value of biodiversity and its sustainable use is incorporated in formal and informal education programs. 1
STRATEGY 5 Enable Effective Preparation and Implementation of Plans and Programs
Target 5.1.1 Sustainable financial mechanism for timely obtaining and transparent utilization is developed and implemented
Target 5.1.2 Strengthened institutional mechanisms to increase participation of biodiversity stakeholders in land use decision making are in place in at least 3 key economic sectors (energy, agriculture and forestry), and locally in at least 3 provinces. 4
Target 5.1.3 Integrated strategy for tapping multiple funding sources (internal, external and innovative) in place so that funding windows for biodiversity and agrobiodiversity increase by at least 30% by 2020. 20