Reversing Biodiversity Loss and Promoting Positive Gains to 2030
The Sharm El-Sheikh to Kunming and Montreal Action Agenda for Nature and People (Action Agenda) is spearheaded by the Governments of China and Egypt, with support of the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity. It was created to foster engagement with non-state actors to inform, inspire and showcase voluntary commitments for biodiversity. The Action Agenda works with non-state actors to raise awareness on the urgency, ambition and concrete actions, across different sectors, that can reduce the drivers of biodiversity loss and enable the needed shifts to halt and reverse biodiversity loss aligning to the post-2020 global biodiversity framework.
The Action Agenda showcases actions by sub-national and non-state actors. As of December 2022, the Action Agenda features 610 commitments championing a collective global response for biodiversity in the lead up to the fifteenth Conference of the Parties (COP 15), where Parties will set the course to 2030 and beyond with the adoption of a new global biodiversity framework. The post-2020 global biodiversity framework will guide global actions to 2030 to conserve and restore our natural ecosystems, to which our economies and societies depend. The Action Agenda will serve as a mechanism to recognize voluntary commitments, build engagement, and champion non-state actions in the post-2020 process.
Table of Contents
- Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, Executive Secretary, Convention on Biological Diversity, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP)
"“Looking ahead to the implementation of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework, governments should build and strengthen the work of the Sharm El-Sheikh to Kunming and Montreal Action Agenda for Nature and People. They can promote commitments and actions from actors other than national governments, providing a space for dialogue and exchange to showcase best practices from different sectors, actors and regions, in support of an enhanced planning, monitoring, review and reporting mechanism.”” |
Biodiversity Commitments:
Organization: The Volkswagen Group and Audi Scale: Global Action Category: Sustainable Consumption and Production and Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, Conservation
The Volkswagen Group and Audi AG (both German automotive manufacturers), as part of the Biodiversity in Good Company Initiative, have committed to protect and restore biodiversity in production and construction sites, respectively. The Volkswagen group has committed to recognize the three goals of the CBD and pursue these goals in its economic activities in six fields of action. Audi aims to maintain biodiversity at its production sites worldwide, as part of its mission: Zero environmental program and has committed to introduce a biodiversity index to assess improvements at the company’s own production sites. |
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) – World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC) Scale: Global Action Category: Conservation and Restoration of Land Ecosystems
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) – World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) has launched a new Commitments for Nature platform with interoperability with the Action Agenda, with the aim of recognizing and encouraging commitments to conserve land and water (Area-Based Commitments). The platform aims to inspire business, civil society, and other non-state organizations to contribute toward achieving global ambitions for biodiversity while also facilitating transparency around the range of commitments being proposed and implemented to achieve global goals and targets. |
Diqing Village Community and Namsei Township Scale: National (China) Action Category: Conservation and Sustainable Use of Species and Stewardship
The Diqing Village (situated in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in China) and Namsei Township (located in Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Qinghai Province) have committed to foster sustainable coexistence between community and wildlife through scientific research and community development. The Diqing Village has a target to conserve 1568 km^2 land and increase income of at least 50 families, and Namsei Township has a specific target to conserve 1682 km^2 land and increase income of at least 100 families. |
Organization: Global Climate Smart Agriculture Youth Network Scale: Global and Africa Action Category: Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, Food Systems and Health and Stewardship
Global Climate Smart Agriculture Youth Network (GCSAYN), a network of youth and youth organizations in 125 countries, commits to 7 fields of actions: 1) Children and Youth in Agriculture, 2) Women in Agriculture for a Sustainable Africa, 3) Men in agriculture for a Sustainable Africa, 4) GCSAYN Education Exchange Programme, 5) African Youth for the SDGs Training, 6) Persons with disabilities in Agriculture for a Sustainable Africa, and 7) GCSAYN Pastoralism Flagship Program. |
Organization: Norwegian Research Centre Scale: Europe Action Category: Biosafety and Food Systems and Health
NORCE, a Norwegian government-owned independent research institute, committed to, by 2024, the Norce FOODPRINT project to generate scientific and technical data to expand knowledge base and enhance food security through the identification of genetically modified (GM) and non-GM resources. The FOODPRINT Project develops research on gene-editing detection in context of traceability and labeling of GM products in the food chain. |
Organization: World Ocean Day Scale: Global Action Category: Freshwater, Coastal and Ocean Ecosystems and Stewardship
World Ocean Day has developed over 20 years into a global network, and has committed to grow the movement to protect at least 30% of our lands, waters, and ocean by 2030 (the 30x30 Initiative). World Ocean Day coordinators will develop tools, resources and more to help thousands of organizations and millions of people celebrate our one shared ocean and work together to safeguard our lands, ocean and climate. In 2022 there were 15,000+ events and activities in 150 countries as well as 6.9 million impressions from all World Ocean Day social media channels. For 2023, the aim is to work with a global network of thousands of organizations to create an even larger impact, striving to create a healthy blue planet with abundant wildlife and a stabilized climate. |
Organization: Lännstyrelsen Norrbotten (County Administrative Board of Norrbotton), Sub-national government of Sweden Scale: Europe Action Category: Freshwater, Coastal and Ocean Ecosystems and Conservation and Green Finance
Lännstyrelsen Norrbotten (County Administrative Board of Norrbotton), a sub-national government of Sweden, commits to the TRIWA LIFE project, which is Europe’s largest environment restoration project by 2030. The aim is to improve conservation status for species and habitats of the Habitat Directive and reach good ecological status, according to the Water Framework Directive. In particular, with an overall budget of 21.4 million Euros, the goal of the seven-year Swedish-Finnish Cooperation (2023-2030) is to restore 820km of waterways, fix 399 walking obstacles, and restore 2500 hectares of wetlands. |
Organization: Justdiggit Scale: Africa Action Category: Access and benefit-sharing, Climate change mitigation and adaptation, Conservation and restoration of land ecosystems and Stewardship
Justdiggit, a grassroot organization, commits to fight global warming by re-greening Africa in the Olorika area, an area of 232 hectares of land, which is part of the Kuku Group Ranch, south of Kenya, home to 29000, particularly Maasai people. The commitment is to bring back vegetation to the area by digging bunds to protect the area to make Olorika area useful again as it acts as a critical wildlife corridor. |
Organization: The Black Jaguar Foundation Scale: Latin America Action Category: Conservation and restoration of land ecosystems
The Black Jaguar Foundation, a non-profit organization, working to reforest the Amazon rainforest and the Cerrado savanna, in Brazil, commits to restore 1 million hectares of land, by planting almost 2 billion trees to restore biodiversity in the heart of Brazil by 2030. The commitment is in accordance with the “Dutch Action Agenda for Biodiversity” pledge, where over 150 Dutch non-state actors (e.g. NGOs, private sector) share their commitments to contribute to biodiversity targets with interoperability with the SCBD. |
Organization: EcoCoast Consultancy Scale: Eastern and Central Europe and Asia Action Category: Green Finance, Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, Conservation and Restoration of Land ecosystems
EcoCoast Consultancy, an international consultancy on integration of economic development, business development and ecological improvement, as part of the IUCN Dutch Action Agenda that is also in interoperability with the Action Agenda, has committed to several actions for conservation of biodiversity. Many of these actions include integrated river basin management, integrated coastal zone and maritime policy management, integrated steppe management (capacity building and bringing producers and consumers together for re-use of degraded land and saving biodiversity), green economy conservation (re-use of water, energy etc.), sustainable business development and rural development and poverty alleviation, among many others. |
New flyers on commitments:
Useful Information
Contains information on recent updates related to the action agenda.
Action Agenda Kiosk at Place Quebec (COP 15)
Photos from new commitments at COP 15’s Action Agenda booth
Events at COP 15 on the Action Agenda
Web Story: IUCN NL’s Dutch Action Agenda for Biodiversity Supports The Action Agenda For Nature And People In Preventing Biodiversity Loss
Web Story: WCMC-UNEP: New Online Platform Showcases Civil Society, Local Authority and Business Pledges for Nature
Launch of a new video on the Action Agenda
Launch of a new video on the Biosafety
Notifications and other News:
Opening Ceremony of the UN Biodiversity Conference
COP15: Nations Adopt Four Goals, 23 Targets for 2030 In Landmark UN Biodiversity Agreement
Representatives of indigenous peoples and local communities selected to receive funding for their participation in the Fifth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, Part Two of the Fifteenth meeting of the C
Documents for the Fifth meeting of the Working Group on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, including the report of the meeting of the Informal Group
Status of funding for participation in the fifth meeting of the Working Group on the post-2020 global biodiversity framework and Part Two of the Fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention and the concurrent meetings of the Parties
Negotiating Documents related to the Action Agenda:
Commitments from actors other than national Governments in the context of an enhanced planning, monitoring, review and reporting mechanism (
Progress on Action Agenda negotiations (IISD / ENB)
The statistics section has information on the recent number of commitments and other relevant statistics based on the commitment categories.
610 commitments
(As of end of November 2022)
Statistics on stakeholders and regions (Some commitments address multiple stakeholders, categories and regions)
(As of the end of December 2022)
The events section has information on recent and upcoming events related to the Action Agenda.
Recent Events and Upcoming Events
- UN Biodiversity Conference (COP 15, COP-MOP 10 and COP-MOP 4), part two, 5-17 December, including a Place Quebec’s Action Agenda booth (for collecting non-state actors’ commitments):
- 22 May 2023: International Day For Biological Diversity
Other news
Make a pledge Editors:
Ulrika Nilsson
Bianca Lisboa Da Camara Brasil
Hassan Malik
Nicole Appleton
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Disclaimer: The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the two secretariats, nor does citing of trade names or commercial processes constitute endorsement.