
IDB 2023 in Italy

IDB 2023 in Italy

IDB 2023 Celebrations in Italy


  19 Maggio 2023 | 10:00-12:00 | Barrafranca, Sicily

Alla scoperta della biodiversità della nostra città e non solo … / Discovering the biodiversity of our city and more…

event banner

[Event brochure - PDF-1.35Mb]


A conclusione del progetto “Alla scoperta della biodiversità della nostra città e non solo …”,  Il 19 maggio 2023 alle ore 10:00 presso l’aula multifunzionale del plesso “Don Milani”, le Studentesse e gli Studenti delle classi terze e del Corso ad indirizzo musicale della Scuola Secondaria “Don Milani” celebrano la “Giornata Internazionale della Biodiversità” dialogando con Rosa De Pasquale dell’Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile (ASvis) e Giuseppe Nasello, Dirigente dell’Ispettorato Ripartimentale delle Foreste di Enna. Inoltre, si premiano i vincitori del concorso fotografico "Barrafranca e la sua Natura".

[In English]

On 19th May 2023 our school celebrates International Biodiversity Day as the last step of the Project of Education for Sustainable Development “Discovering the biodiversity of our city and more…”, for third year classes of Secondary School “Don Milani”.

The purpose of this project is to make students understand goal 15 of 2030 Agenda, to make biodiversity recognize not only in tropical forests or coral reefs but also in the surrounding environment which is part of our daily experience, to promote respect for Nature and to raise awareness of the risk of biodiversity loss.

Here are the activities carried out, in addition to the meetings in the classroom:

1) Cultivation in the school garden of vegetables such as the broad bean of Leonforte, a slow food presidium, and the Sicilian black chickpea;

2) Floristella-Grottacalda Park and Natural Reserve Rossomanno-Grottascura-Bellia excursions to discover biodiversity of the area and visit to Villa Romana del Casale of Piazza Armerina to discover biodiversity represented in the mosaics of 4th century AD;

3) Participation in the photo contest “Barrafranca and its nature” for all classes.

The students, who are the protagonists of the event, will exhibit drawings which reflect their insights on the Biodiversity, their traditional knowledge (which is always linked to nature) and the fact that human wellness depends on services provided by natural ecosystems. Furthermore, the students will recite poems and perform plays to raise awareness of Biodiversity in society and promote responsible behaviour.

Maggiori informazioni/More information

Organizzatori dell'evento



logo of the organizers


  20-22 Maggio 2023 | Scandicci

2^ edizione - 72ore di Biodiversitá

Banner for 2^ edizione - 72ore di Biodiversitá


Rete Semi Rurali ETS vi invita a participare a una 3 giorni dedicata al tema della Biodiversitá dals campo all tavola. In questa pagina puoi conoscere il programma dettagliato del festival e iscriverti alle attività e ai laboratori gratuiti, agli aperitivi e al pranzo sociale.

[In English]

Organized on the National Day of AgroBiodiversity and World Biodiversity Day, the three-day Festival will highlight the critical contribution of millets to the diversification of diets, their nutritional and health benefits, and their essential role in sustainable agriculture under challenging soil and climatic conditions. The 2023 editions will dedicate numerous free and unique activities to promote these Nutri-Cereals from a biodiversity and consumption perspective with audiences of all ages and backgrounds, in particular:

  • Thematic workshops for adults and children;
  • Book presentations;
  • Two special conferences;
  • Various music concerts;
  • Gastronomic events with millets (for a total of 600 people);
  • A marketplace with more than 60 exhibitors;
  • A full day of entertainment and games for children and adults at the Park.

Some of the activities will take place in historical buildings and spaces of great importance for the City, but also in the Diversity Gardens (Orti della Diversità) and the “Agrobiodiversity Library”, with the full support of the Rural Seed Network (Rete Semi Rurali). The 2022 edition reached out to more than 3000 participants over three days

Maggiori informazioni/More information

Siti web: Rete Semi Rurali | FAO

Organizzatori dell'evento


Organizzatori dell'evento - logos


  20-22 May 2023

Biodiversità nelle Grotte 2023

Cave Animal Campaign logo, idb 2023


La SSI invita a partecipare alla Giornata Mondiale della Biodiversità del 22 Maggio 2023, costruendo insieme dal 20 al 22 maggio inziative dedicate alla scoperta degli Animali di Grotta con un focus speciale al Niphargus, Animale di Grotta dell'Anno 2023 e specie bandiera delle acque sotterranee.

Iscrivendosi come Gruppo e singoli soci all'indirizzo vi saranno fornite presentazioni, materiali didattici e supporto tecnico per le diverse azioni che si possono sviluppare, come visite guidate, conferenze, mostre o presentazioni ma non solo, ogni nuova azione conta all' insegna della vita nelle grotte.

Vi aspettiamo numerosi!

In English: For the 2023 the SSI has chosen the crustacean genus Niphargus as its "Cave Animal of the Year 2023". This kind is widely distributed with over 425 species in Europe, from the Iberian Peninsula to Great Britain in the North and it reaches the mountain massifs of Iran to the east. In Italy there are over a hundred species known or in description and our peninsula is, together with the Balkan area, one of the major centers biodiversity for this genus. Several events are planned in touristic caves with local schools and including  over 2500 members.

Per saperne di più
  • Societá Speleologica Italiana (SSI)
  • Associazione Grotte Turistiche Italiane (AGTI)


SSI and AGTI logos





IDB 2023: It is not tool ate to #BuildBackBiodiversity