22 MAY 2023: INTERNATIONAL BIODIVERSITY DAY - From Agreement to Action: Build Back Biodiversity
International Day for Biodiversity 2023
"From Agreement to Action: Build Back Biodiversity"
[Introduction] [Concept] [Social media Campaign]
This year’s International Day for Biological Diversity is an especially significant one. To Build Back Biodiversity, we must move from Agreement to Action. We must implement the Framework and deliver on the promises for 2030 that are encapsulated in its 23 targets.
Much must be done if we are to address the underlying drivers of biodiversity loss:
- All governments must not only develop their national targets but put in place the laws, policies and programmes necessary to achieve them.
- Businesses need to assess and disclose impacts and pivot towards sustainable practices.
- The efforts of indigenous peoples and local communities in protecting biodiversity must be recognized and protected.
- We all need to reduce waste and shift to more sustainable consumption.
- And we need to raise the necessary finance to facilitate these actions, reform subsidies and align major investment flows with the goals and targets of the Framework.
We need a whole-of-government, whole-of society approach.
Everyone must be engaged. Everyone must be involved.
On this international day, we celebrate what is being done around the world to implement the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and work towards achieving its goals and targets, the Sustainable Development Goals, and our shared vision of “Living in harmony with nature.”
On the pages of this IDB 2023 website you will find:
Messages of action from current and past presidencies of the Conference of the Parties, governments, United Nations actors, civil society, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities.
Links to the events that are being held in countries and around the world. This updated list will grow from the 22nd onwards, showing the momentum for action
Materials for you to celebrate the day
you will find lists of actions, logos, assets and other activities you can carry out.
Social media hastags and activities
Ways for you to be active on social media.
Statement by David Cooper,
Acting Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).
To mark this incredible and historic achievement, the proposal for this year’s theme is: “From Agreement to Action: Build Back Biodiversity”
This theme builds on the results of COP 15. Now that the world has the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (agreement), the focus must quickly shift to its implementation (action).
Parties to the Convention and all stakeholders are encouraged to launch their actions to implement the GBF on 22 May if they have not yet begun. If actions are already underway, the IDB provides an opportunity to publicise and highlight these further.
Moving forward, we propose that all future IDB themes are attached to and build on COP themes (for the two years between COPs) as COPs determine the focus and direction of the SCBD and CBD Parties for the time between UN Biodiversity Conferences.
Social Media Campaign: 1-22 May 2023
In sync with the theme the social media campaign will work actively towards amplification and activation of various digital marketing touch points with aim to create the viral usage of the primary hashtag and inspire global action towards IDB 2023:
- Hashtag Construction
- Primary: #BuildBackBiodiversity
- Secondary: #AgreementToAction #KMGBF
- Tertiary: #HarmonyWithNature #30by30 #ForNature #ActionDecade #post2020
- A multimedia rich Trello Board will be created and shared to help amplify IDB messages on CBD social media platforms and partner organizations (300+). The “Wave of Solidarity” has become a constant feature of the day and messages will be shared in different time zones on social media. This is the link to Trello Board: https://trello.com/b/nxbMEbTC/biodiversity-day-2023
- Working with UN DG office, UNEP Nairobi and partners to invite video messages from Good Will Ambassadors (GWA), CBD parties and more showing support for #KMGBF and IDB 2023. The videos will be uploaded on the Trello Board above.
- Youth Activation (UN Youth Envoy): Request of videos messages from youth change makers (especially SG’s newly appointed Climate Change advisories) across the globe.
- Biodiversity Partner Content/Assets: Available on the Trello Board
- Instagram collaboration
- Week 1: World Surf League, WSL
www.instagram.com/WSL/ - Week 2: WWF
www.instagram.com/wwf/ - Week 3: NatGeo Pristine Seas
www.instagram.com/natgeopristineseas/ - 22 May:UN Youth Envoy
- Week 1: World Surf League, WSL
