
Biodiversity Day Celebrations in Türkiye

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22 May 2022, Kayseri

Çocuklar için Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Amaçları Atölyesi                

Çocuklar için Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Amaçları Atölyesinde ilkokul öğrencileri biyoçeşitliliği etkileyen problemlere çözümler üretecekler.

In the Sustainable Development Goals Workshop for Children, primary school students will find solutions to problems affecting biodiversity through STEM Education.

Çocuklar için on: Facebook | Instagram

22 Mayıs 2022, İstanbul

İTÜ Tür Say 2022

İTÜ Tür Say 2022" etkinliğinde İTÜ Ayazağa Kampüsü'nde yaşayan canlı türleri kayıt altına alınması planlanmaktadır. Uzman araştırmacılar eşliğinde farklı gruplar kurulup; kampüsteki flora, fauna ve mantar türleri gözlemlenip fotoğraflanacaktır. Gün sonunda ekipler bir araya gelerek topladıkları verileri bir araya getirecektir. Bu çalışmada birgün içerisinde mümkün olduğu kadar çok tür tespit edilmesi hedeflenmektedir.

EN: "İTÜ Campus BioBlitz 2022" aims to find and identify as many species as possible in the Ayazaga Campus of Istanbul Technical University on the occasion of Biodiversity Day 2022.

Website: The Sustainability Office

Dr. Emrah Coraman
Istanbul Technical University,
Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences

22 Mayıs 2022, İstanbul

Tüm yaşam için ortak bir gelecek inşa etmek

2022 yılı “Tüm yaşam için ortak bir gelecek inşa etmek” temasıyla kutlanacak olan 22 Mayıs Uluslararası Biyoçeşitlilik Günü münasebetiyle yapacağımız Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Amaçları atölye programında,  Karasal Yaşam 15 (Karasal ekosistemleri korumak, iyileştirmek ve sürdürülebilir kullanımını desteklemek; sürdürülebilir orman yönetimini sağlamak; çölleşme ile mücadele etmek; arazi bozunumunu durdurmak ve tersine çevirmek; biyolojik çeşitlilik kaybını engellemek) hedefine farkındalık kazandırmak için;
Atölye Çalışması yapılacaktır.

Atölye çalışmasında, Birleşmiş Milletler tarafından “Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Yolunda Biyoçeşitlilik İçin Acil Eylem” temasıyla 30 Eylül 2020'de Biyoçeşitlilik Zirvesi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu Zirve'de biyoçeşitliliği korumak ve onarmak için gerekli 8 eylem adımı belirlenmiştir. Bu 8 eylem adımı;

1.    Toprak: Doğal alanları korumak,
2.    Şehirler: Doğaya yer açmak,
3.    Okyanuslar: Canlıların habitatını korumak,
4.    Su: Nehirler ve göllerdeki doğal yaşamı korumak,
5.    İklim: İklim değişikliğinin etkilerini azaltmak,
6.    Gıda: Atıkları azaltıp, bitkilere dayalı beslemek,
7.    Çiftçilik: Doğayı düşünerek hareket etmek,
8.    Sağlık: Sağlığı düşünerek çevreyi korumaktır.

Atölyeye katılan öğrenciler 8 gruba ayrılarak, kendilerine düşen eylem adımı ile ilgili poster tasarlayacaklardır.

Website: The Sustainability Office


The Sustainability Office
İTÜ Ayazağa Campus,
Rectorate Annex Building,
34469, Maslak / İstanbul

Prof.Dr. Hatice Ayataç

Dr. Börte Köse Mutlu

Çelebi Kalkan

Past celebrations


Biyoçeşitlilik ve İklim Değişikliğine Uyum

Online Event



A webinar to address the climate change impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services and, the climate adaptation options including nature-based solutions.


Enhancing Adaptation Action in Turkey Project

IDB turkey event 1



15 May -

15 June


Digital Solo Art Show: Flowers of the Desert


Digital all days


Humans are part of nature therefore we ought to guard it. In my work I want to reflect natures beauty so that we are encouraged to protect it.

Ilhan Sayin’s digital solo art show “Flowers of the Desert” is a follow-up to “Atelier Teymur Rzayev First Digital Climate Change Art Show” where his flowering cacti paintings received rave reviews.

The art show includes paintings that have been selected for exhibition at the 2020 United Nations SDG Global Goals Art Competition as well as London Climate Action Week, UN’s World Environment, Oceans, International Mountain Days,  UN’s SDG, World Health Organization and Create 2030’s Solidarity Shows: COVID-19 Arts Initiative, Environmental Education Collaborative’s 7th  annual digital Environmental Education Symposium, The Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change - Hong Kong as well as Climate Change Museum - UK.


Ilhan Sayin



15 May -

15 June


Spring Amidst the Masks


Digital event 


The inspiration behind Ihan Sayin’s second solo digital art show “SPRING AMIDST MIST AND MASKS” was his paintings being selected in:
• United Nations World Unity Art Contest
• United Nations Global Goals Art Contest

lhan with his spring flowers themed paintings reminds us that we must guard nature by  changing our production and consumption habits towards cleaner and greener existence, particularly in light of the global coronavirus pandemic.  People who are quarantined at home are experiencing Spring in flowers in their vases.  With his 7 paintings of flowers and single use plastic protective masks, Ilhan joins’s #Maskuary Campaign which aims at warning against the dangers of pollution from disposable masks to the environment.


Ilhan Sayin



15 May -

15 June


Kuş Gözlemi

Digital Digital event 

Fatma Kadir’s digital art show “Bird Watching 2” took place at the Pinelo Art Gallery in Istanbul, Turkey from October 10 to 23, 2020, starting on United Nation’s World Migratory Bird Day, to commemorate Biodiversity in Birds which are important plant pollinators and seed dispersers.

This art show was curated by Selva Ozelli based on her series of articles on digital technology adoption, solar energy and tax policies in the jurisdictions with the greatest carbon emissions. These articles have been published by the World's first Climate Change Museum "The Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change - Hong Kong” in addition to more than 100 other publications around the world.  The diminishment of biodiversity as a result of Climate Change was addressed in Selva’s article titled “Green Policy and Crypto Energy Consumption in the EU.”

The inspiration behind the theme of the art show was  Fatma Kadir's painting titled “Ravens - Four Seasons” recently wining first prize at the nature art competition at Connemara National Park - Páirc Náisiúnta Chonamara in Ireland coupled with her diverse bird artwork – all 16 paintings that are included in this art show-- including "Homeless Doves" being selected and distributed via social media by the Biodiversity Department of the Department of Culture, Heritage and Gaeltacht of Ireland on Biodiversity Day on May 22, 2020.  Fatma’s painting titled “Homeless Doves” is also part of Atelier Teymur Rzayev First Digital Climate Change Art Show which is a registered UN World Environment Day and World Ocean Day digital event  that has been published by World’s first climate change museum The Jockey Club Museum for Climate Change-Hong Kong


Twitter: @ftm.kdr 
Maskuary campaign:

Fatma Kadir



15 May -

15 June


“Maskuary - Guarding Nature”

Digital Digital event 

Nature is critical to our survival: nature provides us with our oxygen, our water, regulates our weather patterns, pollinates our crops, produces our food, feed and fiber. But it is under increasing stress, subject to extreme weather events. Becuase Human activity has altered almost 75 per cent of the earth’s surface, squeezing wildlife and nature into an ever-smaller corner of the planet. The pandemic has made matters worse by producing an enormous amount of single use plastic medical waste.
Fatma Kadir with her art show reminds us that we must guard nature by changing our production and consumption habits towards cleaner and greener existence, particularly in light of the global coronavirus pandemic. With her paintings of trees, birds, people and single use plastic protective masks, Fatma joins’s #Maskuary Campaign which aims at warning against the dangers of pollution from disposable masks to the environment.

  Twitter: @ftm.kdr 
Maskuary campaign:
Contact Fatma Kadir



20 - 27


Seawatcher and Seawatcher 2 - Maskury

Istanbul Digital event 

Semine Hazar’s digital art show “Sea Watcher” will take place at the Pinelo Art Gallery in Istanbul, Turkey from June 8 to June 22, 2020, starting on World Oceans Day.  “In 2017 I traveled to the Antarctic and firsthand witnessed the melting of the ice and with a great sound crash into the sea.  This brought tears to my eyes.  The light house in my painting marks the last inhabitable point in South America.  I imagined that soon we would be moving this light house to the Antarctic. 

The inspiration behind her solo digital art show “Sea Watcher” is an offshoot of her taking part in the Atelier Teymur Rzayev First Digital Climate Change Art Show which is a registered UN World Environment Day and World Ocean Day digital event  that has been published by World’s first climate change museum The Jockey Club Museum for Climate Change-Hong Kong.

Semine Hazar