Mr. Satyawan Pudyatmoko
Director General Natural Resources and Ecosystem Conservation Ministry of Environment and Forestry Manggala Wanabakti bld., Blok I, 8th floor Gatot Subroto Street, Senayan Central Jakarta Indonesia
CBD Primary NFP
Prof. Gono Semiadi
Research Centre for Biology Indonesian Institute of Sciences Bogor Indonesia
Ms. Deby Arifiani
Botanist Research Center for Biology-LIPI Indonesian Institute of Sciences Indonesia
+62 025 8325854
+62 025 8325854
Mr. Raden Pramesa Narakusumo
Zoologist Research Center for Biology-LIPI Indonesian Institute of Sciences Indonesia
+62 025 8325854
+62 025 8325854
Mr. Didik Widyatmoko
Head of Center for Plant Conservation Bogor Botanical Gardens Indonesian Institute of Sciences Jl. Lr. H. Juanda 13 Bogor 16003 Indonesia
+62 21 832 2187
+62 21 83 22 187
Mr. Brahmantya Satyamurti Poerwadi
Director General Marine Spatial Management Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries 11th Floor Mina Bahari 3 Building Jalan Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16 10110 Jakarta Indonesia
Marine and Coastal Biodiversity NFP
+62 21 3519070
+62 21 3520357
Ms. Novia Widyaningtyas
Expert Staff to the Minister of Environment and Forestry in International Trade and Industry Ministry of Environment and Forestry Jakarta Indonesia
Gender and Biodiversity NFP
Ms. Utami Andayani
Assistant Deputy Conservation Biodiversity Ministry of Environment and Forestry JL Dl Panjaitan Kav. 24, Build. B, Fl. 4th Kebon Nanas Jakarta Timur 13410 Indonesia
+6221 859 05770
+6221 859 05770
Mr. Sonny Partono
Director of Conservation Areas Directorate General of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation Ministry of Environment and Forestry Manggala Wanabakti Building 7th floor 7th Block Forest, Building Center, Gatot Subroto Jakarta 10270 Indonesia
Protected Areas NFP
Ms. Irawati
Head Center for Plant Conservation Bogor Botanic Gardens Indonesia Institute of Sciences Jl. Ir. H. Juanda 13 16122 Bogor Indonesia
+62 251 322187
+62 251 322187; +628128053511