Invasive Alien Species have been recognized as an important threat to biodiversity and, through Article 8(h) of the Convention the Parties are encouraged to prevent the introduction of, control or eradicate those alien species which threaten ecosystems, habitats or species. The Conference of the Parties recognized IAS as a
crosscutting issue for the work of the Convention at is fourth meeting, and has adopted a set of
Guiding principles for the implementation of article 8(h).
In addition, under the Convention on Biological Diversity, several
Decisions on invasive alien species have been adopted touching on different issues such as strengthening the international framework to address invasive alien species, improving cooperation, management of risks posed by different pathways, additional voluntary guidance, among others. More recently work has focused on supporting Parties on the implementation of
Target 6 of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Likewise, tools to address invasive alien species have also been developed, such as guidelines documents and training materials.
Additionally, collaboration has been ongoing with the members of the
Liaison Group on Invasive Alien Species in order to strengthen international cooperation on invasive alien species.