Country Profiles

China - Country Profile

The national targets (or equivalent) presented in this database are taken from the NBSAPs received since COP-10, fifth national reports or from documents submitted separately. The mapping of national targets to the Aichi Biodiversity Targets by the Party concerned is indicated in the last column “Related Aichi Target(s)”. All Parties are encouraged to undertake this mapping exercise and to submit this information to SCBD for incorporation in this database.

Reference Target Related Strategic Goals/Aichi Targets
National Target Practical efforts will be made in environmental education and communication, popularizing environmental knowledge and increasing public environmental awareness. 1
National Target By 2030, biodiversity conservation will become voluntary action of the public. 1
National Target Resource consumption, environmental damage and ecological benefits will be incorporated into the system of assessing social and economic development, and a system of goals and targets, as well as related assessment methods and reward/penalty mechanisms that meet requirements for building an ecological civilization will be established. 2
National Target Establishment of mechanisms for ecological compensation and increasing fiscal transfers to key ecological function zones will be accelerated; and studies will be undertaken on the establishment of national specialized funds for ecological compensation and the system of reserves for sustainable development of resource-efficient enterprises will be promoted. 3
National Target By 2015, considerable progress will be made in building a resource-efficient and environmentally friendly society. 4
National Target Efforts will be made to promote spatial layouts, industrial structure, production and consumption patterns and lifestyles that promote green, recycling and low-carbon development, natural resources conservation and the environmental protection. 4
National Target By 2015, forest coverage rate will be increased to 21.66% and forest reserves will be increased by 600 million m3 over that in 2010. 5
National Target By 2020, grassland degradation trend will be basically contained and grassland ecological environment will be obviously improved. 5
National Target By 2020, the environmental and ecological worsening trends in coastal and near-shore areas will be fundamentally reversed and marine biodiversity decline trend will be basically contained. 5
National Target By 2020, aquatic environment and ecology will be gradually restored and decline of fishery resources and increase in endangered species will be basically contained. 5
National Target By 2020, aquatic environment and ecology will be gradually restored and decline of fishery resources and increase in endangered species will be basically contained. 6
National Target By 2020, the environmental and ecological worsening trends in coastal and near-shore areas will be fundamentally reversed and marine biodiversity decline trend will be basically contained. 6
National Target By 2020, national forest holdings will exceed 2.33 million km2, an increase 223,000 km2 over that of 2010; and national forest reserves will be increased to 15 billion m3, an increase of about 1.2 billion m3 over that of 2010. 7
National Target By 2020, husbandry production pattern will be changed and grassland sustainability will be effectively enhanced. 7
National Target By 2020, fishing capacities and outputs will be generally consistent with carrying capacities of fishery resources. 7
National Target By 2015, the total amount of emission of main pollutants will be significantly reduced, with COD and SO2 reduced by 8%, and ammonia and Nox reduced by 10% compared with the levels of 2010. 8
National Target By 2020, energy consumption and CO2 emission per unit of GDP will be reduced significantly, with the total amount of main pollutants considerably reduced. 8
National Target By 2020, forest pest disaster rate will be controlled at 4%. 9
National Target By 2020, energy consumption and CO2 emission per unit of GDP will be reduced significantly. 10
National Target By 2020, a system of nature reserves with reasonable layouts and comprehensive functions will be established, with functions of national-level nature reserves stable, and main targets of protection effectively protected. 10
National Target By 2015, the total area of terrestrial nature reserves will be maintained at 15% or so of the country's land area, protecting 90% of national key protected species and typical ecosystem types. 11
National Target The percentage of the area of marine protected areas out of the marine areas under China's jurisdiction will be increased from 1.1% in 2010 to 3% in 2015. 11
National Target By 2020, the total area of marine protected areas will exceed 5% of the marine areas under China's jurisdiction, with the area of coastal marine protected areas exceeding 11%. 11
National Target By 2020, a system of nature reserves with reasonable layouts and comprehensive functions will be established, with functions of national-level nature reserves stable, and main targets of protection effectively protected. 11
National Target By 2015, more than 80% of endangered species whose wild populations are very small and for which in-situ conservation capacities are inadequate will be effectively protected. 12
National Target By 2020, functions of national-level nature reserves will be maintained stable, and main targets of protection effectively protected. 12
National Target By 2020, the majority of rare and endangered species and populations will be restored and reproduced, relieving the situation of species endangerment. 12
National Target By 2020, biodiversity loss will be basically contained, and a system of nature reserves with reasonable layouts and comprehensive functions will be established, with main targets of protection effectively protected. 13
National Target National List of Protection of Livestock Genetic Resources will be revised so as to accord key protection to rare and endangered livestock genetic resources in the list and ensure that protected varieties will not be lost and their economic values will not be decreased. 13
National Target By 2020, the stability of ecosystems will be strengthened, and the human environment will be considerably improved. 14
National Target By 2020, grass-herd balance will be achieved in natural grasslands, grassland habitats will be obviously restored and grassland productivity will be significantly enhanced. 14
National Target By 2020, the environmental degradation of the coastal and near-shore marine areas will be reversed, and decline of marine biodiversity will be basically contained. 14
National Target By 2020, forest areas will be increased by 52,000 km2 over that in 2010, and forest reserves net increased by 1.1 billion km2 over that in 2010, and forest carbon sinks by 416 million tons. 15
National Target By 2020, the total areas of control of degraded grasslands will exceed 1.65 million km2, with grassland habitats obviously restored and grassland productivity significantly enhanced. 15
National Target By 2020, the aquatic environment and ecology will be gradually restored. 15
National Target By 2020, the system of access to genetic resources and benefit-sharing from their use will be improved. 16
National Target Updated NBSAP has been promulgated. 17
National Target By 2020, documentation of relevant traditional knowledge within China and the intellectual rights protection system will be further improved. 18
National Target By 2020, the percentage of investment in research and development activities will exceed 2.5% of national GDP, with contributions from science and technology to GDP reaching 60%, and the number of annual patent grants to the Chinese individuals and groups and of citations of academic papers by international journals ranking top five in the world. 19
National Target Environmental education will be undertaken to popularize environmental knowledge and increase public environmental awareness. 19
National Target Channels of investment will be broadened and investments from local and central governments will be increased and financing from the banking sector, international donors and the civil society will be attracted to biodiversity conservation, with diverse financing mechanisms established. 20